Does Number and Types of Kitchen Stove Matter in Feng Shui?

Introduction The kitchen has special significance in the practice of feng shui, as it is the place in the home where one works with fire. A lot of attention goes into the sources of heat in someone’s kitchen, like their stove. If you do your research, you can find a lot of feng shui tips…

How to Identify a Y-Junction Feng Shui House

Dear Uncle Dixer: We are buying a house and my mother-in-law thinks that there is a Y-Junction that hits the back or side of the house. There is a sliding patio door (not main entrance) in that area and also some windows that lead to the living room. There is a second floor with windows…

Can Garages Doors Be Considered a Front Door in Feng Shui?

Introduction In Feng Shui, doors are an important element of determining which energies flow into the home. Practitioners pay attention to the front door in particular because it is considered a “mouth” for Qi. Most Feng Shui tips that have to do with front doors pertain to their layout in relation to other gateways for…

Feng Shui for Houses Facing Northeast

Introduction If you’re moving to a new house, it’s a good idea to consult a Feng Shui expert who can provide you with practical tips on how to make your home more advantageous for you. Feng Shui experts in Sydney, like Uncle Dixer, can take into account the qualities of the property that you will…

Feng Shui for Hanging Art Paintings in Dining Area

  Dear Uncle Dixer: I’ve recently been gifted a large painting with a picture of a plate and a fork, knife and spoon on it. It looks great and I wanted to hang it in the dining area. In terms of Feng Shui, is it okay to do so? Thanks in advance.