This is where you connect and learn from professional practitioners to attract prosperity, positivity, and wellness.
For Everyone
This site is a resource for anyone who is curious or interested in Feng Shui, astrology, or divination.
For Professional Practitioners
For Feng Shui, astrology, or divination professionals, this site is for you to share your knowledge and expertise with the public.

Protecting the Community from Malpractices
Needless to say, there are many scams and malpractices in this field because it is an unregulated space. I’ve heard of a Feng Shui master causing fire in a factory because of an altar’s misplacement, an Astrology expert selling the same astrology reading reports to all his clients, and a Feng Master scamming 1 million dollars from a client.
This website is ABSOLUTELY AGAINST scams and malpractices. If you or anyone you know have been scammed or suffered from malpractice, please let me know. That way, I can exclude him/her from this website to protect other members of this community. I will also keep a record of complaints and may publish them on this site.