Does Stripes on a Car Bring Bad Feng Shui?

Dear Kartar Diamond: Hello! I’ve been decorating my car, a MINI Cooper, with stripes. You may have seen that many MINIs have stripes on the hood. I love the look of offset stripes, where there is just one stripe, either on the driver side of passenger side, instead of a pair of stripes. But, is…

Are Trash Bins Close to Front Door Bad Feng Shui?

Dear Kartar Diamond: I live in a studio apartment so naturally my space is limited. The best spot for my trash and recycling bins happens to be in the entryway and near the front door. I purchased and built a pullout cabinet counter thing to hide the bins inside. Is it ok to keep them…

Is It Bad Feng Shui Using Second-Hand Bed Mattress?

Question #1 Dear Kartar Diamond: Is it bad luck to sleep on the used adjustable mattress? Answer: You asked if it is bad feng shui to sleep on a used mattress.  My answer is that it all depends. I wouldn’t recommend buying a used mattress from a stranger,  but if you know who had the mattress previously,…

Placing More Than One Feng Shui Bamboo Plant in House

Dear Kartar: Is it okay to have more than one bamboo plant in your house? I have 2 bathrooms and would like to place a 9 stalk bamboo plant in each bathroom. Thank you. Answer: You asked about having bamboo placed in your bathrooms and the simple answer to that is that it is fine…

Feng Shui of Hanging Paintings of Nature in Bedroom

Dear Kartar: Is it good or bad to hang paintings of gardens and flowers and trees in the bedroom? Answer: You asked if it is good or bad feng shui to hang pictures of flowers and gardens in a bedroom. Firstly, whether it is the bedroom location or another part of the house, it should…

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