Dear Kartar Diamond: Hi! My property is 8 acres and my home will be new construction. It’s a home for one. My question is to ask if there’s guidance for someone who wishes the home to be a few small buildings rather than a larger house? Particularly I’m liking the ideas of a kitchen/dining building, a bed/bath structure and a general living room building. These would all (by my imagination) be interconnected by outdoor decking/living space. I wonder if each one would be treated with the same principles as a ‘home’ or if the entire thought process would be contrary to feng shui principles. I appreciate any input or directions leading to learning resources. Thanks!
Answer: I got your question about the prospect of building several structures instead of just one. While it is neither good or bad feng shui to do that, it could create some challenges, where you would need the guidance of a trained professional in order to make the most of each structure. From a practical standpoint, unless you live in a place with moderate weather, having to go from your bedroom suite into the kitchen structure during freezing weather, could be very “un-charming” quickly.
I have one client who built a house where the master bedroom suite is about 20+ feet away from the rest of the house, but it is connected by a glass hallway. I also have a client right now who wants to build two structures on his land, where one will be especially good in Period 9 (2024-2043) and the other will be especially good in Period 1 (2044-2063) that he can transition into at that time.
Because of some unique aspects to Period 9 constructions, and how they need to be adjusted on the outside, his concept to build two houses will require careful planning in their orientation and their relationship to each other. For example, without skilled planning, having a water feature aligned with one structure could be bad for the other.
This is what I do professionally, as a consultant for 33 years, helping people world-wide.
In the design phase, I can advise in where to place the house or other structures in a way that optimizes what the land has to offer, as well as a house with a good orientation for the Period it has been built in and beyond. I also help with the interior design lay-out so that the house can benefit the occupants long term, and plan for 20-30 years into the future. In fact, the basic orientation of a house might be fine, but the location of such important rooms as the bedroom is critical. Wrong placement could ruin the house. No house can be perfect forever, but with high level feng shui planning, a house can be excellent for a long time.
Other features to the planning take into account the occupant’s birth date, occupation, marital status, and other personal wants and needs.
Kartar Diamond of Feng Shui Solutions® has a full-scale consultancy, including assistance with property searches, design phase and existing homes and businesses. She is the author of three books, 6 ebooks, 36 Cast Study Lessons and more to come. See the books she’s authored or browse through her online Traditional Feng Shui school.