Dear Uncle Dixer: We are buying a house and my mother-in-law thinks that there is a Y-Junction that hits the back or side of the house. There is a sliding patio door (not main entrance) in that area and also some windows that lead to the living room. There is a second floor with windows to the master bedroom and other bedrooms. There is a fence around that area with planted trees and shrubs.
Is it a Y-junction problem if it hits these areas? I’m not even sure if it is a Y Junction. It doesn’t look like a “true” Y Junction.
Answer: The easiest way to check out your mother-in-law’s concern is to stand at the patio door and look out to see if a Y-junction is hitting at the house or not. If all you can see are trees and shrubs, then it is not a concern. You can do the same with windows and also upstairs in that direction, although upstairs is of less of a concern since you will be looking down at a Y-junction instead of looking at it rushing at the house (“chong sha” in Chinese).
If you are not sure if there is a Y-junction or not, then look up the house in Google Earth and you can see, from an aerial view, whether there is a relationship between a Y-junction and the house.
Uncle Dixer is a Chinese-Australian Feng Shui Expert. He is here to answer your Feng Shui questions so we can better understand the workings of Feng Shui. Read more about him or submit your question to an expert.