Last updated on October 17, 2023

Most of you probably know (or heard of) your personal Life Kua number. In short, there’s the East and West group, and each person has four auspicious and inauspicious directions based on their year of birth.

This practice of using personal Life Kua number came from the Eight Mansions School of Feng Shui.

However, many people who practice this neglect that the house itself has its own Kua. 

Similar to Life Kua, the house’s Kua also has 4 auspicious and inauspicious directions and sectors. The Life Kua is calculated from a person’s year of birth, whereas the house’s Kua is derived from the house’s sitting and facing direction.

When looking at a house’s Feng Shui using Eight Mansions, the House’s Kua takes precedent over your Life Kua.

Read on to understand why.

Distinguishing House Kua from Life Kua

If you only apply the Life Kua when practicing Eight Mansions Feng Shui, you’ll find that it’s difficult when you and your family members belong to different Kua groups (East and West group). You’ll find that an auspicious location for one person would be inauspicious for another.

Traditionally, one would prioritize the needs of the husband because he’s the default bread-winner. In which case, the front door and kitchen should be in the auspicious sector of the husband. The bedroom would then be in the auspicious location of the wife because she bears the burden of pregnancy.

However, modern day living requires many families to have double income. Thus, the traditional practice wouldn’t make the most sense.

Further, is it even possible that a house can be good for one person but not the other? Is one group definitely doomed but not the other, assuming the house only favors one group? Wouldn’t there always be a loser? And shouldn’t you only marry a person that belongs to the same group just so the both of you can enjoy Feng Shui?

If you do some survey, you’ll find many happy couples and families with members belonging to different Kua groups. You’ll also RARELY find a Kua group getting singled out and receiving all the impact of negative Feng Shui.

married couple on bench dusk min - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions
There are still many happy couples enjoying good Feng Shui despite being in separate Kua groups.

The explanation here is the House Kua, which takes priority over the Life Kua when you look at the Feng Shui of a home.

For example, if a bedroom is located at the House Kua’s auspicious sector, the bedroom is in a good spot. It wouldn’t matter much if the bedroom is in the inauspicious sector based on the Life Kua of the occupants. (You will learn more about this later.)

To find your House Kua, you’ll need the facing direction of your house (or apartment).

Finding Your Home’s Facing Direction

You will need a compass to find your home’s direction. The compass app on your smartphone can do the job.

Once you have that ready, you’ll need to determine your home’s FACING direction. The facing direction is NOT the same as your front door direction.

For houses, the facing direction is generally the side that faces the street. For apartments, it’s generally the side where it is most “Yang”, or the side where most Qi enters the apartment. (This is another debated topic because different schools have different approaches to determine the facing direction of an apartment.)

Finding your home’s facing direction can get quite a little confusing. Use this guide to find your home’s facing direction if it’s not evident.

After you’ve determined your home’s facing direction, use the information below to determine the Kua of your house.

Your Home’s Kua Based on the Eight Cardinal Directions

LI HOUSE: Facing North 337.5˚ – 22.5˚

Eight Mansions East Li min Facing North - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

KUN HOUSE: Facing Northeast 22.5˚ – 67.5˚

Eight Mansions West Kun min Facing Northeast - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

DUI HOUSE: Facing East 67.5˚ – 112.5˚

Eight Mansions West Dui min Facing East - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

QIAN HOUSE: Facing Southeast 112.5˚ – 157.5˚

Eight Mansions West Qian min Facing Southeast - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

KAN HOUSE: Facing South 157.5˚ – 202.5˚

Eight Mansions East Kan min Facing South - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

GEN HOUSE: Facing Southwest 202.5˚ – 247.5˚

Eight Mansions West Gen min Facing Southwest - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

ZHEN HOUSE: Facing West 247.5˚ – 292.5˚

Eight Mansions East Zhen min Facing West - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

XUN HOUSE: Facing Northwest 292.5˚ – 337.5˚

Eight Mansions East Xun min Facing Northwest - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

Summary of the Eight Types of Qi in the Kua

The eight types of Qi listed here is the same as the ones you see in your Life Kua.

There are four auspicious Qi and four inauspicious Qi. Here’s a summary of their effects.

The 4 Auspicious Qi’s:

Shen Qi (生气) – Life Generating

This is the strongest Qi of all. It can be used for advancing your career, improving authority and reputation, and even increasing your chances of having children.

Tien Yi (天医) – Heavenly Doctor

This Qi is directly related to your health and vitality with an indirect effect on your wealth.

Yan Nien (延年) – Longevity

This Qi is directly related to your love, relationships, and marriage. Relationships are not limited to romantic relationships, but also include business, friends, and familial relationships.

Fu Wei (伏位) – Stability

This Qi is used for personal development, self-improvements, and leading a peaceful life.

The 4 Inauspicious Qi’s:

Jue Ming (绝命) – Life Ending

This is the worst Qi of all. It is associated with your own self-destruction. It can give you depression, anxiety, and other mental illness that can greatly affect your overall well-being.

Wu Gui (五鬼) Sh– Five Ghosts

This Qi is associated with violence, chaos, robbery, theft, and illnesses.

Liu Sha (杀) – Six Killings

This Qi is associated with a negative mind. It can damage your marriage, career, and your relationship with others because it brings unnecessary conflicts and disputes.

Huo Hai (祸害) – Mishaps

This Qi is associated with the loss of energy and motivation. It can manifest as annoying problems instead of detrimental ones, such as disharmony, fatigue, and laziness.

How the Auspicious and Inauspicious Sectors are Used

In short, the bedroom, front door, living room, and study areas should be located in the auspicious sectors. The kitchen, restrooms, and storage rooms should be located in the inauspicious sectors.

Please take note: these sectors are LOCATIONS in the house and NOT directions.

floor plan nine mansions feng shui min - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions
The auspicious and inauspicious sectors determined by the House Kua are locations in the house, NOT directions, as shown in the image above.

Meaning, if your home is facing South, a Kan House, it would be ideal if your bedroom is located in the Southeast SECTION of the house because Southeast is the Sheng Qi area. If not, having your front door, living room, or study area in the Southeast area would do just fine.

Having different rooms in different areas would bring you different Feng Shui results. This is when you need to consider the kind of Feng Shui results you’re looking for. Is your priority romance? Wealth? Or health?

Explaining the potential Feng Shui results from each room in a different Qi area is a long conversation. Thus, I won’t get into the details here.

When Does Life Kua Come Into Play?

Essentially, the House Kua is used to determine whether the kitchen, front door, and bedroom are in good locations (as well as other areas of less importance). After that, you can use your Life Kua to adjust or fine-tune your room’s Feng Shui with furniture placement and its directions.

This concept is based on the mini-Tai Chi, where the house has its macro Tai Chi, and each room (micro) and individual has their own mini-Tai Chi. Uncle Dixer explains this as “One item, one Taiji (Tai Chi)”.

Ceramics Tai Chi Feng shui bagua decorative plate min - Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions

Here’s an example taken from an earlier article about couples with opposite Life Kua groups:

Let’s say your bedroom is at the inauspicious Jue Ming sector based on the house Kua. In this case, first check the facing direction of the master bedroom door. If it matches the auspicious direction of the husband, then the bed shall be placed so it faces one of the auspicious direction of the wife (or vice versa).

Keep in mind that the first thing to look at is the location of the bedroom, kitchen, and front door relative to the House Kua. After that, you can fine-tune and adjust using the Life Kua of the individual that’s occupying that room.

Doubts on Eight Mansions from Certain Feng Shui Masters

If you’re familiar with Feng Shui, you’ll know that there are many different schools of Feng Shui. There is the Eight Mansions that you just read about here, and there’s the Black Hat, Xuan Kong Flying Stars, and many others out there.

Some masters I’ve engaged with (in Asia) have expressed their doubts on the efficacy of Eight Mansions Feng Shui. They’ve cited various reasons which did make some sense to me. These reasons include the imbalance of the number of people in East and West group and the historical context as to how Eight Mansions originated (which I have yet to confirm).

To see more details about the doubts on Eight Mansions Feng Shui practice, please go to the end of this article about couples with opposite Kua groups.


If you practice Eight Mansions Feng Shui, the first step is to find your House Kua. After that, you can then use your Life Kua to make the necessary adjustments, if needed.

What you learned here is an over-simplification of this practice. Here are some courses you can take if you’d like to get deeper into Eight Mansions Feng Shui. If you truly desire the help of Feng Shui to achieve your goals in life, I strongly suggest that you take courses & training or find a trusted and qualified Feng Shui consultant to assist you. Reading and applying a tip here and there just won’t cut it.

How’s your home’s Feng Shui based on the House Kua? What was your experience with that home? Comment below and share your story with us!

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  1. Grace

    Hi Victor,
    Thank you for writing all these Feng Shui articles. They are very helpful to me. I do have a question in mind, regarding all these methods to determine the best direction for your house. So if I was to buy a house, should I 1. Go with the house that has best direction for my Life Kua? (Assuming it’s South) or 2. Look at the floor plan, and make sure rooms are in good areas for the Flying stars Bagua period 9 (year 2024- 2043)
    Or 3. Follow this article and just make sure the bedrooms are in the lucky sections of the Kua. (depending on what direction the house faces)

    Thank you,

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Grace,
      I see your other comment. Some masters would suggest sticking with one practice. Others would suggest that you use both schools as reference. But if I were to pick one from the two, I would pick Flying Stars.
      However, even Flying Stars have its fallacies. For instance, for an apartment building, it presumes that all of the ones facing the same direction has same Feng Shui, which is not true. There is another school that I prefer, which measures how Qi is gathered. But for you, as a starter, I would suggest using Flying Stars.

  2. Lisa Miceli

    I live alone and my kua is 7 meaning my love sector is NE.. but my 8 mansions shows my love sector in SW. Which do I use to enhance or remedy love and relationships? Also my total loss according to my Kua 7 is East and my 8 mansions shows E to be my family sector. So how do I enhance my family without enhancing my total loss sector?

  3. Sonali Rana

    Feng Shui is a mysterious metaphysic of Han Chineese with a long history. It is the power of the nature and the energy of the large magnetic field of the universe. The core idea of Feng Shui is the harmony between human and nature.

  4. Victor Cheung

    Hi Lisa,
    The idea is to consider the house Kua first, and use your personal Kua as remedy. So if your house Kua is Southwest, just make sure you make good use of that area. Having your bedroom in that area would be best.
    Hope you’ve fully read this article, including the part about “Doubts on Eight Mansions…”

  5. Sonali Rana

    Feng Shui is a mysterious metaphysic of Han Chineese with a long history. It is the power of the nature and the energy of the large magnetic field of the universe. The core idea of Feng Shui is the harmony between human and nature.

  6. Yolanda

    Hi Victor,
    I really like your articles its all very straight forward and easy to understand. However I have a question to follow. I have applied house kua and the front door position is on the bad side of the house kua (lets say our house kua is South) but as you said the other 2 most important things to look at besides front door are bed room and kitchen both on the right place. The house is facing South. Main door currently on the side of the house (west area) and it only possible to move it to the front of the house on south west area which is equally very bad according to house kua. May I know what is your suggestion or any remedy to this? Thank you and appreciate it.

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Yolanda,
      If both your kitchen and bedroom are in the right spot, then you don’t have much to worry about. Changing the door location is a big feat, so I wouldn’t recommend that you do that just so it’s at the right spot. Plus, there are several other methods to determine whether the front door is good or not.

  7. D'Natalie Smith

    Hello Victor,

    Greetings from Brazil. It is with great interest that I read a few of your articles especially this one as I am about to buy a plot of land to build a house and this will help me with regards to the house kua. I am a bit curious about two things. I am an East person but have done great in West facing houses. Plus your East facing diagram put all my best directions in kill modes. I would like to know how this is possible. I have never lived in an East facing house but since East, South, South East and North are my best directions I want to know how it turned around to my worst.

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi D’Natalie,
      Your Kua and House’s Kua are two completely different things used in different scenarios. The section “WHEN DOES LIFE KUA COME INTO PLAY?” in this article explains how they are used.

  8. Marie

    I have read an article  on the west group people living an east group house.
    I understood that all the inauspicious area of east house become auspicious for west people. Does this mean that the auspicious areas of the east group house become inauspicious for west group people also?
    We are considering to build a house on a land facing west (west view on future house but also tree forest, and gulf further, East only neighbour and roosters/chicken of the neighbour will be on NE). 
    I am kua 8, my husband 2.
    So based on that, we consider to use NW and W for kitchen / living room, SW for master bedroom, NE for our meditation room, SE for bathroom / laundry (jue ming for me). How to use N, E and S that are auspicious for the house but inauspicious for us? Can we put the entrance in E? Guest room in N (jue ming for my husband)? and not sure about S…?
    Where can we put our front door? East?
    Thank you for your help

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Marie,
      Based on that reasoning, yes. However, do not mix the House Kua and Life Kua together, like what you just read.
      Read the section: “WHEN DOES LIFE KUA COME INTO PLAY?” in this article.

      1. Li

        Hi, my Life Kua is 6 and best direction is thus West. However, can I stay in a ZHEN house which is facing west if its front door is also facing west)? I am confused as the worst section of the house would be at West, which means the front door should not be located at the West section?

        1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

          Hi Li,
          For the front door, there are more ways to look at it, which is not mentioned in this article. Do not conclude that your door is at a bad position.

  9. Mel

    Hi, Victor,
    My house Kua is Xun, sitting southeast and facing northwest. My house is a rectangle; not a square. My master bedroom is located 2/3 in the Liu Sha section and 1/3 in the Wu Gui section. 1/3 of my foyer/front door is located in the Lui Sha section and 2/3 in the Huo Hai section. My living room is located 2/3 in the Huo Hai section and 1/3 in the center. The majority of the kitchen is located in the Fu Wei section. My husband is the sole breadwinner and a Kua 4. I am a Kua 6 and have designed/situated the master bedroom based on my Kua, as a female and child-bearer. What can be done to improve the front door for my husband? What can be done to cure or improve the locations of the master bedroom, front door and living room?

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Mel,
      The general rule is if the House Kua doesn’t favor you, then use your Life Kua to adjust. Same applies for front door. If the front door is bad for both Kua’s, then check the front door’s Five Elements using its direction and see how it matches with your husband’s Five Elements.

  10. Martyna

    I am reading a book about Feng Shui, but some things are unclear to me. The most important is, if the Bagua map is more important than the favorable directions considering personal triagram? As I have Kan it was written that the best for me is a Xun house, also SE is the best area for me to study, but on the bagua map it’s the place for money. I think I would like to place study room on the NE using bagua map (for knowledge and self cultivation), but for Kan it’s one of the worst directions (Five Ghosts). I’m very confused. Is there any book or article explaining how to use the map and personal diagram at the same time?
    Thank you very much,

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Martyna,
      Are you referring to the Bagua maps on this page? If so, I wouldn’t call them as more important, just that this is used in conjunction with your personal Kua. If NE is good according to Bagua map, then use it. If bedroom or study room is in bad area in the Bagua map, then adjust the room’s setting (like desk or bed) using your personal Kua.

  11. Chong

    Hi Victor, my personal gua is 2 . And my house facing east / then main door & bedroom located at NE ..mean sheng qi also? Kitchen stove located at NW. I live at this house 3 year. But my luck of tyreshop business not so good. Shop facing SW. My D.O.B: 11 April 1980 8.30pm. Is Feng shui problem or my personal bazi problem? Hope Mr Victor can tell me. TQ

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Chong,
      That requires a deeper audit into both Feng Shui and Bazi. I would start with Bazi then go to Feng Shui. Also, using Kua and Eight Mansions is just the tip of the iceberg when practicing Feng Shui (at least for me). Let me know if you need help.

  12. Mel

    Hi Victor,

    If my apartment door,building is facing a community center and behind my house is where the sun shines in thru my living room window. Does it mean my house facing direction belongs to the East?
    If yes, i put a black out curtain at my living room window and open my door(on the west) Will it solve my problem?
    Also, is house kua more important than personal kua

  13. Coleeth

    Hi, I just bought a house facing north and Ma and my two boys are west group my partner is east group and I find that the north facing is not are lucky direction all are opposite I’m confused at first but reading it all over again my me realise that even though the is not our lucky direction we should go for the kua of the house which is north my question is the mIan door will be at the north and bedrooms should be at east ,se,s and toilet ,stairs ,kitchen should be NW,W,SW,NE my question is is that complicate us as of our kua direction when we go out or enter our house is our inauspicious area thank you in advance for your help really appreciate it

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Coleeth,
      Another method not listed here is to determine how well the front door matches each of your five elements (determined by birthdate and house’s direction). If this worries you, I suggest you find a professional to help you.

      1. Coleeth

        Hi Victor,

        Thank you to your responds my kua number is 8 my 2 boys are kua 6 my partner kua 9 the house that we bought north facing means that the north main door is misfortune should I put the main door in NE instead of north thank you in advance for your help.

  14. Julie

    Dear Victor,
    My house is S facing or a Kan house. I noticed that in your chart, SW (which is my master bedroom) is the Jue Ming sector. Am I correct to assume that the floor plan of the Kan house you have used as illustration ,shows the recommended positions of the various rooms because the master bedroom is in the SW? The layout of rooms in your example somewhat mirrors mine except that my main entrance is at SE sector with front door facing E and there are rooms on both the first and second floor in the NW sector. So I am very curious to know if my master bedroom in SW is okay? Both my husband and I are kua number 9. Bed placement is head facing N ( I just read somewhere that in 2021, it is inadvisable to have head pointed N!).
    Would appreciate your advice and recommendations please. Much appreciated!

  15. Sothea

    Hi Victor,
    Greetings from Cambodia! I would appreciate if you could help address my concerns below:
    1- My house faces South and my kitchen is located on Fu Wei (with stove/cooker facing South). Should it be better if the kitchen is located on Liu Sha? If so, what direction should the stove be facing (east or south)?
    2- Should my interior design such as living room and bedroom be made according to Qi that supports my element (i.e. I am a wood element, the design should contain water element?) or should be in accordance with 4/5 Chinese elements or the 8 mansions?
    Thanks for your help!

  16. Budi

    Hi Victor,

    I’m a bit confused on the application of this Eight Mansions School of Feng Shui on landed house as the example above seems to be an apartment unit

    For example 20 meters long x 10 meters wide piece of land:, 5×10 meters in the front is cut for car port, while the last 3×10 meters is cut for backyard

    So, do we determine the size of each eight sector by:
    1) The whole length of the house (20 meters)
    2) The length of the house from the main door to the end (so excludes the car port, 15 meters long)
    3) The length of the house from the main door to the back, but excludes the backyard (so 12 meters long)

    Thanks in advance

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Budi,
      First, consider only living space. Second, you need to find the center area. Then, you can divide up the areas by using compass measurements.

  17. yulie

    Hi Victor,
    In your writing you mention “Meaning, if your home is facing South, a Kan House, it would be ideal if your bedroom is located in the Southeast SECTION of the house because Southeast is the Sheng Qi area”
    I read in some books and resources, that bedroom should not be located in Sheng Qi area as the qi is too strong. Which one is correct?
    I am also trying to figure out if “walk-in closet” inside the bedroom is considered as “storage / utility” area?
    it is hard to plan for this, as the master bedroom is gonna take 1/3 of the one side area (full south east- for Li house is Tien Yi), then the WIC is gonna take 1/3 of the area (East area – for Li house is the Sheng Qi) and then the master bedroom is taking 1/6 of the NE area (huo hai). So we need at least one bad sector to put the bathroom. If WIC closet considered as storage, then the chi will be stagnant in the most auspicious part of the house gua.
    Do you have opinion on staircase location? should it be placed in bad or good sector of the house gua? some said should be in bad (as it has ups downs), but some said it acts like 2nd mouth of Qi to carry it to the next floor, so should be in auspicious area. If it located in “Jue Ming” area, will this cause accident?

    thanks you for your insights.

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Yulie,
      Shen Qi area is an auspicious Qi, so the strong Qi is actually good.
      As for storage, think of it this way – it is better to have it in the inauspicious area because you don’t use that area. This way, you’ll supposedly have the auspicious areas for where you’re physically present – like the bedroom, living room, etc. With that said, you should know where the staircase is, according to the practice of Eight Mansions.
      As for mapping the Qi for the stairs, you’ll need apply a different school of Feng Shui. I suggest you engage with some of the experts to help you with this:

  18. Andrew

    Would these be flipped for the Southern Hemisphere?

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Andrew,
      No, because direction readings are based on the compass.

  19. Vanessa

    Hi Victor
    I have an odd thing going on. My Kua # & my husbands are both 4. It appears to have the exact same auspicious and inauspicious sectors as our West facing apartment.
    Door is W, Both bedrooms are NW & NE (recently switched w office so master is NW, office NE) Kitchen is SW, Bathroom N, living/dining E/SE/S.
    So regarding all of that since we recently switched our bedroom w the office, since then my indoor cat of 8 yrs got out the window, someone has stolen both of our bikes on 2 separate occasions, and huge financial losses lately in addition to health problems of bit my husband and I. Could this be negative feng shui without being superstitious? What can be done to fix anything? Or is it the place which is just absolutely bad for us? Thanks!

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Vanessa,
      Yes, Feng Shui could be at play here. If your misfortunes were immediate, then I would say no. If they happened after 1-3 months when you switched bedroom, then Feng Shui could be at play. I suggest you find an expert to take a look:

      1. Rebecca

        Dear Victor, I’m in east group and I have draw out the house gua, house facing south east. The top three area of the house gua is bad area and I’m going to place my kitchen on the right hand side. Which direction should my stove facing.

        1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

          Hi Rebecca,
          I can’t advise you unless I’ve seen the whole layout. I also suggest that you have an expert review your floor plan before you commit, because applying partial Feng Shui can sometimes have a different effect than you expected.

  20. Tash

    I’d love to know where do we place the House Kua map— the bottom against the front door? or is the top at the front door

    We are in the process of possibly building a new house and I want to get it right. Both me and husband have East Kua numbers (1 and 4) so I know that North or East would be ideal

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Tash,
      Not sure what you’re asking. But if you’re using the images on this page, the front door is at the bottom of the images. Before you commit into building a new house, I suggest that you have a Feng Shui expert review your layout and direction because there is a high chance that you apply Feng Shui incorrectly/partially. For instance, the house kua comes before your personal Kua.

  21. Juliana

    Hi Victor,
    I found such a simple and beautiful apartment to rent but I’m hesitant for the following reasons:
    -kitchen is in Fu Wei area of the house.
    -bedrooom is in Huo Hai area.
    -bathroom is in S-E to South area (wealth and fame sectors).
    My Kua number is 2 and the house is Kun.
    •the only place to position the stove in the kitchen is the S-W wall, forming a triangle with the sink and fridge on the opposite wall.
    •to have the position of command in the bedroom means I’ll have to sleep towards S-E (Wu Gui for me). If I position the bed towards NW, then I’ll be sleeping inbetween the door and the window.
    Otherwise the main door is seeing S-W and the whole apartment faces N-E. Also bedroom door faces S-W.
    I am really terrified about the kitchen as I read than, located in Fu Wei , it will bring alot of poverty. Also bathroom is in the money area!!!
    Should I give up on the place? Please help.
    Thank you ????


    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Juliana,
      Don’t forget that everything can be adjusted. For instance, if the kitchen/bedroom locations are not favorable in terms of house kua, then you can adjust using personal kua. Also, you shouldn’t just stick with one practice – try using/referencing another practice, such as the Flying Stars.

  22. Don Hayes

    Hi Victor,

    Our new house faces North North West. What does this mean for the House Kua? Is it LI or XUN or something in between?


    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Don,
      Check your compass reading: LI HOUSE: Facing North 337.5˚ – 22.5˚ and XUN HOUSE: Facing Northwest 292.5˚ – 337.5˚

  23. Elaine Chan

    Hi Victor,

    The house i’m considering to buy is facing North. Living room is positioned at the Yen Nian, but the front door is at the Jue Ming. Master bedroom is right on top of both the front door and living room (across the Jue Ming and Yen Nian).

    1. What shall I adjust to compliment the front door position in inauspicious position? My life kua is 1, and husband is 6 (different group), and we are both breadwinners.

    2. The bedroom layout is as such that the bed has to be positioned at the Jue Ming corner. What can be adjusted?

    3. Just to know if I assume the position correctly: Left (NW corner) is the front door, middle (N) is living room, on the right of the house (NE corner) is a private garden. That’s how I applied the positioned the Li House.


    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Elaine,
      What you need is to get professional help. My comments here will not be fully accurate without taking a good look and measurements of your space.

  24. May Ann

    Hello Victor ,my Kua # is 3 and my husband is 4. our house Kua is facing East ,and the main door is west. The problem is our bedroom is inauspicious in our house Kua? What should we do? Thanks for helping us.

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi May,
      If you’re sticking to Eight Mansions, then one way is use your personal Kua directions to remedy your bedroom. I highly suggest you try using Flying Stars to plot a chart of your house to check its Feng Shui.

  25. Snazzie

    Thank you for such an informative and insightful article. I was just wondering how you calculate the Kua Number of the house? My house is East Facing (Dui) and therefore I would have expected the Kua number for my house to be 3 since East is usually associated with the number 3.

    However when I looked at the Dui chart above it places Yang Nien in the North East and comparing it to the 8 Mansions chart I used when calculating my personal Kua number, the Kua Number that has Yang Nien in the North East is Kua Number 7.

    7 is usually associated with the West which is the opposite side to the direction my house is facing. I think it is referred to as the Sitting or Mountain Side of the house.

    So is the Kua number of the house the number associated with the opposite direction to which a house is facing? If not how is the house Kua Number calculated?

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Snazzie,
      The Kua of the house is generated from the facing direction of the house, whereas a Kua of a person is generated from a person’s birth year. The two are completely distinct from one another.

  26. Chris

    I just bought a new house (under construction) facing South and it will be ready in 2025. As it is a KAN house (SE-ShenQi, S-YanNien, E-TienYi, N-FuWei), will the house Kua number be different when entering Period 9 (2024-2043)?

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Chris,
      You’re talking about two total different things. For Eight Mansions, the house Kua wouldn’t change. For Period 9, that’s for Flying Stars, and the natal chart wouldn’t change if it’s construction is completed in Period 9.

  27. Jaya

    It is better to get a house where it align to our Sheng Qi? Let say, my Kua number is 1, Sheng Qi is South East. It is better for me to get a house that is facing South East? Any advice on this approach?

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Jaya,
      That is one approach. However, I suggest you read this article where you’re commenting first. Don’t forget about other practices, such as Flying Stars.

  28. Fabio

    What sleeping face west means? My head is point west and my feet east? or the opposite.

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Fabio,
      You understood it properly – sleeping “facing west” means your head is pointed west.

  29. Sonia

    Should you look at hood directions according to your life kua when buying house or
    You should go with house kua
    For example my house kua is southwest facing
    In which southwest seems like life generating however southwest is inauspicious as per my kua number 9 and also kua number 1 for my husband.
    Please advice how to go about this?
    So to me southwest hasn’t been so good to us and now when buying new house we should buy with our auspicious directions which is under east group?

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Sonia,
      The rule of thumb is – use the house Kua first, then use your personal Kua to make adjustments if necessary. I highly suggest that you look at other schools too – like Flying Stars.

  30. Noreen

    Hi Victor,
    The master bedroom of my new residence has a solid wall facing SE. Based on the house gua/Kua and my life gua, this is the Six Killings directions. Fortunately, the room’s door faces SW, which is the direction for good health according to my life gua and it this entrance also falls into the Stability sector according to huuse gua. Would you consider this southwestern wall an OK wall to place my bed? The front door of this SW facing property is in the Heavenly Doctor quadrant. Thanks!


    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Noreen,
      I can’t comment much without looking at the actual floor plan, but based on your description, the southwestern wall is ok to place your bed. The first step is to consider the seeing where the bedroom is located based on house Kua.

  31. Phoenix

    Thank you for very helpful article.
    May I ask your advice on our house space planning – house is east facing (DUI) and main door is east facing as well. My hubbh kua is 7 and mine is 9.
    Our ground floor small bathroom/toilet is located in northwest(will only be used by guests). Will it be okay to have kitchen in southwest ; stove facing west( me facing east when I cook) – kitchen wall can be seen fr front door. Or any other suggestion please?

    Staircase starts at near nw and riser on north towards direction of north east . Is that OK?

    May I share my floor plan and get your advice please as I am located in Burma/Myanmar and we do not Feng shui experts here. Thank you in advance!

    1. Victor Cheung Listing Owner

      Hi Phoenix,
      Without a full audit, I cannot give you solid recommendations. Plus, I am not accepting new customers at this time. I recommend that you hire a consultant, which you can find one here:

  32. Marie

    Happy New Year! I am thinking about purchasing a home that faces North. I have lived in a North facing home and did not have good health experience. The house is a prosperity 8 home built in 2022. I am a wood snake. I feel my best direction is West. That direction home always brings greatness. Please share your thoughts. Thank you!

    1. Free Lancer Admin

      Hi Marie,
      The facing of a house’s direction is just one factor when considering Feng Shui. If you like the house, then go for it! If you’re serious about Feng Shui, I recommend hiring a consultant.