“Place a three-legged toad near the front door and money will come pouring in.” Have you ever heard or read something similar?
Honestly, if I didn’t know anything about Feng Shui and if someone were to tell me that, I would dismiss Feng Shui as magic or superstition (it’s not). And if it really worked like that, wouldn’t everyone be rich as promised?
Sadly, that is what you’ll sometimes hear when merchants are trying to sell you Feng Shui items. They make it sound like this ONE thing can change your life if you place it somewhere in your home. Of course, if it doesn’t work, they’ll tell you that you probably misplaced it. No refunds!
Nevertheless, there are Feng Shui items where their results have been endorsed by customers. Though it could be the placebo effect, Feng Shui experts have also recommended some of these items as cures and enhancers.
Although I doubt the validity of some of those claims, I’m not here to refute them.
Instead, I’ve compiled them together in this article. What items are included here are completely subjective, and I have not included other items such as dolphins, cranes, love birds, and globe that you’ll find on other websites. That’s because I do not think those items belong in Feng Shui.
As for how you should use them, you’ll need to consult with your trusted Feng Shui expert.
Also, I’m here to be more specific and to offer you some of my observations and opinions. Towards the end, I will tell you what you should expect from these Feng Shui items should you decide to use them without expert guidance.
So here are the 30 Feng Shui items and products that I know about which you can buy and use immediately if you want. I will also tell you what they’re used for and where you should place them.
Let us begin with Feng Shui animals.
Feng Shui Animals
These Feng Shui items come in the shape of animals or beasts. I’m sure you’ve read somewhere that placing them in some areas can help you in certain ways. However, I have my doubts on how effective they are.
Although I’m highly doubtful on some of the information below, I’m not saying that they won’t work as promised. I just think their effects are limited. I think the external Feng Shui, the internal layout of the home, the Qi flow, and movements such as those brought by water features brings much more impact than these Feng Shui items.
However, I may be comparing apples to oranges, as some of these items are used more as a cure rather than an enhancer.
1. Dragon

In addition to all other sources you can find on the web, here are some additional information that I’ve heard.
Dragon is one of main animals (or mythical beasts) in Feng Shui. It is one of the four celestial animals and was traditionally a symbol of the emperor. It is also a metaphor of a strong and powerful male (whereas the phoenix is the symbol of the empress).

In Feng Shui, the dragon is represented in the East and the left side of the house if you’re looking from the inside.
The dragon can be used to boost the Qi in an area of your home. For instance, if the East area is lacking or missing, placing a dragon there is said to help. Also, if the left side of your house is lower than the right side, placing a dragon on the left is said to help too. Wood is the preferable material for this use.
The dragon should be placed at the living room, dining room, home office, and not in low-energy areas such as garage, restroom, or closets. The material of the dragon should be used according to the five elements determined by the room’s location in the Bagua.
Here’s another note. The dragon is said to favor water. So if you live close to water, such as a river or an ocean, you can place the dragon so it faces towards the bodies of water through the window. The water should be clean and not a gutter or a water recycling plant.
The dragon can also be used to attract wealth. However, not all of us are suitable for this. You should consult an expert to find out whether a wealth setup with Dragon is suitable for you.
2. Turtle

The tortoise, being one of the four celestial animals, represents North or the back side of your home. It symbolizes longevity, support, and protection, similar to the animal’s life-span and how the shell protects the turtle.
Some experts use a stone tortoise to cure the negative Feng Shui energy coming from outside the house. It can be placed on your balcony or around your front door with the shell facing the incoming Xa Qi (negative energy).
Another use is to place it at the back of your home. This is applicable only when the back of your home is downward sloping or is lacking the “support” (similar to bedroom Feng Shui when bed is without a headboard). In this instance, the tortoise can be made of stone or bronze in this instance.
3. Dragon Turtle

The dragon turtle is a hybrid of the two celestial animals: the dragon and the turtle. The dragon is said to bring good fortune, while the turtle is said to cure bad Feng Shui energies.
To be more specific, the dragon turtle is used to improve social relationships and prevent unnecessary dramas. Dragon turtle can also help with career advancements and is especially helpful those who work in the fields of public relations, sales, and other jobs that require lots socializing. To use the dragon turtle with these purposes, place it on your office desk with its head facing outward.

Today, most dragon turtle figurines sit on top of coins, symbolizing its ability to attract wealth. To use it for wealth, people place the dragon turtle on their wealth areas with its head facing themselves.
Experts have mentioned that the dragon turtle can also neutralize the negative energy from the annual Flying Stars, particularly the #2 and #5 stars. Further, others have mentioned that it can cure the bad Feng Shui caused by two doors facing each other. To use it, simply place it somewhere in between those two doors, whether that be two bedroom doors within a house or two front doors of two different houses.
4. Lions (Fu Dogs)

Fu Dogs, also spelled Foo Dogs, are lions. Sometimes, they are referred to as Imperial Guard Lions or Chinese Guardian Lions. That’s because in ancient times, only those with wealth and power have the land and money to place Fu Dogs. That is why you only see them in front of temples, government buildings, or homes of wealthy and powerful families.
Fu Dogs come in pairs – a male and a female. The male Fu Dog holds a globe under his right paw, symbolizing domain and protection of his home. The female holds a cub under her left paw, signifying maternal protective instincts.
Fu dogs are mostly used outdoors as if they’re guarding the main entrance of a place of importance. Their majestic presence usually give pause to anyone who is about to enter.
Fu Dogs should be placed right outside your front door. The female Fu Dog should be placed to the left and the male to the right when you’re looking from the outside towards your front door.
5. Chinese Unicorn (Qi Lin)

Chinese Unicorns (Qi Lin or Chi Lin) has a head of a dragon, scales of a carp fish, and hooves resembling a deer. It’s said that Qi Lin can distinguish between good and evil, and thus are mostly used for protection from evil spirits.
Qi Lin can be used as a cure for the Three Killings in the annual flying star Feng Shui. Also, Qi Lin with treasures at its feet and coins in its mouth is said to have the ability to attract wealth. To use it for wealth, simply place it in your wealth area facing the direction of where you frequent.
6. Three-Legged Toad

The three-legged toad has become a symbolism of wealth in Feng Shui ever since the story of Liu Hai, where legends say that it can bring massive amounts of wealth to its holder.
A common practice today is to place the toad in the wealth area or corner but NOT on the floor. It is also suggested that you should place it somewhere close to the front door so it can bring wealth from the outside to you. However, it is suggested NOT to place the toad directly opposite of the door because the incoming Qi from the front door would be too strong.
As for which direction the toad should face, some experts say that the frog should face the inside of the house, while others say that it should face towards the front door. From how I read this, it seems that the toad should face towards the front door if its applicable. In other instances, such as placing the toad in a wealth area that’s away from the front door, it should face towards the inside of the house.
7. Elephants

Elephants do not exist in China in modern-times, which is why the use of elephants is not popular in modern-day Feng Shui in China.
However, its use can still be seen, especially in the Southeast Asia. A more common application is placing a pair of elephants in front of the front door (as opposed to Fu Dogs). Some experts say that doing so can bring good luck, protection, and strength to the household.
8. Horses

Horses were vital to our ancestors. They were used for transport, war, and travel. Therefore, some meanings associated with horses include success, wealth, strength, speed, and nobility.
The most suggested Feng Shui use for horses is to place the them on your wealth area, which can help to improve career and the accumulation of wealth. The head of the horses should be faced towards the inside of the house, symbolizing that the horses are carrying wealth into the household.
However, not all horse figurines (or paintings) are the same. The best ones should be five horses that are sprinting forward (as opposed to a stagnant one). Paintings or sculptures of eight horses are also quite popular.
Also, not everyone is suitable to use horses as a Feng Shui item. For instance, those born in the year of dragon, rat, and horse should not be using horse figurines because of a conflict in their animal birth sign.
9. Rooster

The rooster may be the same as the Rooster King mentioned below (I am not sure, but their uses seem to differ). The rooster has a literal use. The figurine can be used to counter the “Centipede Xa”, symbolizing the rooster devouring the centipede. The “Centipede Xa” comes from power lines or pipes, resembling a centipede, that are visible from your kid’s bedroom (if you have kids) or kitchen window. To cure the Xa, place the rooster figurine facing towards the “centipede” as a cure for this negative Feng Shui energy.
Rooster can also be used to cut-off bad romance or relationships that you cannot break clean. The suggested application is to place the rooster in the front door area with its head facing towards the door.
A third use is to prevent extra-marital affairs. If you’re worried about your significant other having affairs, the suggested practice is to place the rooster on his or her Peach Blossom area in the living room or the bedroom. Refer to this article about Feng Shui love to find the Peach Blossom area.
10. The Rooster King

The Rooster King could very well be the same Rooster as mentioned above (I am not sure about this). Nevertheless, here are some additional information not found in other sources about the Rooster.
The Rooster King represents a bird that can chase away menacing beasts and fight evil spirits. It first appeared during the reign of Emperor Yao, where man-eating tigers and bewitching spirits would haunt the forests. The Rooster King was brought to the emperor as a means to protect its citizens.
The Rooster King is used as an amulet or as a statue to protect the home. It should be placed outside, facing incoming traffic. Here’s an article specifically about the story of the Rooster King written by Uncle Dixer.
11. Mandarin Ducks

Mandarin ducks for Feng Shui come in pairs and represents love. They can come in figurines and in drawings, pictures, and paintings.
Mandarin ducks are typically used as a Feng Shui cure for love. It helps to bring two lovers together when they are separated by distance or when they have other types of obstacles preventing them to be together.
Mandarin ducks can be placed at the love and marriage area of your Bagua, or the Southwest area of your home. Another common practice is to place them in the bedroom.
12. Pi Xiu (Pi Yao)

The Pi Xiu, also called Pi Yao, is a heavenly creature that resembles a winged lion. Its story is that it violated a law of the heaven and was punished by being restricted to a diet of only gold and silver with no means of expelling them as its anus was sealed. That is why Pi Xiu symbolizes wealth accumulation.
This wealth symbol is commonly displayed in offices and in the wealth areas according to your Kua and your house’s Bagua.
However, Pi Xiu is more commonly used as a cure for the Annual Flying Star Tai Sui (Grand Duke) because it was referred to as Tai Sui’s pet. To use it as a Tai Sui cure, you need to place it at Tai Sui’s opposite direction.
For instance, in 2017 the Tai Sui is at the West. Placing the Pi Xiu at the East sector facing West would do the job. If the East sector is not applicable (if a restroom dominates that sector), placing it on the West area facing West would also do.
Other experts have said that a metal Pi Xiu can be used as a cure for the #2 Illness Star and #5 Misfortune Star. Again, you’ll have to find out where those stars are located that year.
Instruments and Artifacts
These are the other items that have symbolic meanings and uses in Feng Shui. Again, I have my doubts on how effective are. I think they have its use, but the impact is limited when compared to the surrounding Feng Shui and the internal layout of your home.
13. Coins of the Five Chinese Emperors

These are the coins made by five emperors of China during the Qing Dynasty. The emperors are Sun Zhi (1644-1661), Kang Xi (1661-1722), Yong Zhen (1723-1735), Qian Long (1736-1796) and Jia Qing (1796-1820).
Coins made and used during the reign of these emperors are highly revered because those were the times where China was most prosperous.
Some experts say that only real coins made during that era can be used as Feng Shui cures. If that is true (and most likely it is), many of the Five Emperor Coins you see on market today are useless because they are just replicas or “fake”.
The coins are said to have MANY different types of uses. To mention a few, they can attract wealth, serve as a protection charm, block negative Qi, and serve as the support of the house. I suggest that you consult with an expert on what’s the best use of these coins in your unique situation.
14. Wind Chimes

Wind chimes are very popular among Feng Shui. The source of its energy comes from the sound they make, which can enhance the Qi of a specific area. In other words, if the wind chimes are stagnant, then it’s simply a home decor that has little use in Feng Shui.
The materials of the wind chimes should be determined by the Five Elements of the Bagua sector you wish to place. At the same time, you also need to consider the Five Elements based on your Kua and the Flying Star annual afflictions.
Using the Bagua, wind chimes made of bronze and metal are ideal for Northwest and west if that sector is lacking or missing. The same applies to bamboo or wooden chimes for the East and Southeast areas because those sectors are not suitable for wind chimes made of metal. The energy brought by wooden chimes are said to be less compared to its metal counterpart because the sound they make is less crisp.
Please note that wind chimes are not suitable for indoor placements. Also, avoid placing the wind chimes on your home’s “ghost line” because it can bring trouble and unintended consequences.
15. Bronze Bells

Similar to bronze wind chimes, the Feng Shui energy of bronze bells come from its sound. It is used to enhance the Qi in an area, and its effects will be greatly reduced if it is hung in an area where its sound cannot be produced.
Typically, the bronze bell is hung on the area of the front door. Doing so is said to attract wealth, block negative Qi, and repel unwanted energies. The bells can also be placed in the Northwest and West corners because the Five Elements of that area belongs to metal.
Make sure you like the sound that it produces, or else it’ll bring you more Xa Qi (negative Qi) than benefits.
16. Bagua Mirror

Most people probably know this already. The Bagua mirror should be placed on the wall on top of the front door, facing outwards. Its biggest use is to block the negative energy from coming into the house. However, I strongly suggest that you consult an expert before using one.
There are many types of Bagua mirror. First, the shape of the mirrors can be concave, convex, and flat. Also, there are two different types of Bagua: the early heaven sequence and the later heaven sequence.
To learn more about Bagua mirrors and how to use them, I suggest you read this article about Feng Shui mirror placements.
17. Scepters (Ru Yi)

Ru Yi is a Chinese scepter used as a decorative object that symbolizes power and good fortune. It is often seen in in the hands of powerful people and deities that are depicted in paintings, drawings, and statues.
In Feng Shui, the Ru Yi has the effect to help people gain or maintain authority in their career. As a result, some experts say that it’s use is more suitable for the office than home.
The Ru Yi should be placed in the North area of the business, which will help protect the owner and clear way for advancements. As for the home, placing it in the Northwest can help parents gain greater authority when dealing with their children.
18. Calabash (Gourd, Wu Lou, Hu Lu)

Feng Shui is all about withholding and accumulating Qi. That is why the calabash is favored. When Qi enters from its mouth, it’ll swirl around its round body and stay there. It’s quite the opposite of what Feng Shui dislikes, which is Qi going straight in and out. (Like the front door facing the back door)
Calabash is said to absorb negative Feng Shui energy, especially the Xa Qi (negative energy) brought by nearby Feng Shui hazards such as hospital, graveyards, and churches and temples. To use it, simply place the calabash on the side of the wall that’s next to the Feng Shui hazard.
The color choice and material used for the calabash also matters. It is better to consult with an expert to find out what type of calabash you need for your unique situation.
Calabash can also help cure poor health and sickness. To do so, simply place the calabash in the bedroom of the person constantly suffering from sickness. Keep the cap open so it can absorb the negative energy. Other sources have said that it can counter Flying Star #2, the Sickness Star.
19. Bamboo Flutes

Bamboo flute is a remedy for negative Feng Shui. The idea is that negative Qi would enter through one end of the flute and leave the hole at the other end, thereby neutralizing the negative Qi.
Other experts have said that bamboo flutes can activate the energy of an area. Because the bamboo flute has the Wood feng shui element, it can be used in the East, Southeast, or South areas of your home because those areas can benefit from Wood energy.
Living and Natural Feng Shui Items
Out of all the Feng Shui items mentioned thus far, I think “items” that are living and breathing has the strongest influence on Feng Shui. The living and breathing items mentioned are plants and flowers.
20. Plants

Plants are alive and breathing. I think they produce much more energy than non-living, un-enchanted objects like those mentioned in this article.
Plants are commonly used to boost the energy and balance the five elements of an area. On a different note, lucky bamboos can be used to increase the learning abilities of you and your children.
The size and shape of the plant matter as well as their relative placements and purpose. For more about using plants for Feng Shui, read this guide about Feng Shui plants.
21. Flowers

Flowers are also a type of plant that brings Wood energy. However, different than most other plants, flowers come in many different types of colors that can influence the Feng Shui of your home. For instance, red flowers bring Fire energy. Thus, your home’s Bagua and its relative element should be considered for flower placements.
Flowers, however, are more commonly used to attract love. To do so, place the flower at your Peach Blossom area in your home. Again, you can find this information in my previous article about how to Feng Shui with plants.
22. Crystals
If you do decide to use crystals, the type of crystal and its placement matters, according to some Feng Shui practitioners. For instance, two rose quartz hearts can be placed in Southwest to promote better relationship. Another popular one is the purple amethyst, which is said to clear negative energies in an area and can be used for the Personal Growth Bagua area of your home.
Religious Statues
Let me be clear – Feng Shui is NOT a religion or superstition, and religious figures technically should NOT be part of Classical Feng Shui. However, because of the cultural mix between religion and Feng Shui over the years, the line between them has been blurred.
Nevertheless, people have enjoyed positive results, and they gave credit to these religious statues. That’s why I’m including them here.
23. Fu Lu Shou (Fuk Luk Sau)
The three deities should be placed side by side like the image shown above. Shou should be on the left of the viewer, Lu in the middle, and Fu on the far right, just as Chinese characters are traditionally written from right to left. However, Chinese are read and written from left to right today, and the placement order of the deities are reversed.
Placements can vary as they can be displayed in the living room or dining area five feet above ground or higher. Also, the statues should face the inside of the house. It shouldn’t face the main door or outside a window, nor should it be placed facing the toilet or in any place that’s deemed disrespectful.
24. Buddha Statues

Placing Buddha statues is also said to attract positive energy. Experts recommend that it should be placed in a location that respects the Buddha. Meaning, the statue shouldn’t be placed in a bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom.
Some favorable locations include the living room, on a desk or office table, an altar, and the area facing the main door. These placements depend on the size of the statue you have.
The materials also matter. For instance, Uncle Dixer mentioned that placing a stone Buddha statue at the South corner of the back garden would give you and the house’s occupant more support.
Listed here are other Feng Shui items that are not categorized.
25. Water Fountains

Water fountains are commonly used for Feng Shui wealth. Water brings the Water element and symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
Water fountain comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. Some recommended areas for placement, according to the Bagua, include East, Southeast, and North. However, water feature is not recommended in the bedroom because bedroom favors calamity. Also, placement is not recommended in the kitchen because of the conflict between its Water element and the kitchen’s Fire element.
Further, water flowing inward symbolizes wealth coming in. For water features that you can identify its direction of flow, experts would recommend that the direction faces inward, or inside your home.
One important note – wealth activation is done with movement and ideally involves water. Therefore, it is important to keep your water fountains running (and clean). For wealth activation, it is better that you find an expert to assist you.
26. Fish Bowsl, Tanks, and Aquariums

A fish tank is another type of water feature. It’s also commonly used to attract wealth, and the fishes symbolize prosperity (the sound of “fish” in Chinese has the same sound as abundance). While a water fountain uses the flow of water as movement, the fish tank uses the swimming of fish as movement.
Placement of fish tanks and aquariums are similar to water fountains. Favorable areas are the Southeast, North, East, and where the #8 Annual Flying Star resides during that year. Unfavorable areas are your bedroom and kitchen. Here’s an article about Feng Shui fish tanks that can give you more information.
27. Calligraphy Pens

Believe me – writing Chinese characters is not easy. Before the existence of pencils and ink pens, Chinese used calligraphy pens for all types of writing. That is why calligraphy pens symbolize education and wisdom. Some experts say that it brings the Feng Shui energy of wisdom to boost academics and learning abilities.
Placement of these pens are typically in your home office or on your desk, with natural wood as the suggested materials. Also, experts suggest that the pens should be hanged on a pen holder so they’re standing up straight.
28. Talisman: “Prosperous Star Shining Above”

This auspicious talisman is used to cure bad Feng Shui and has the potential to bring health and wealth (as the Chinese characters at the bottom left and right says). I didn’t know about this talisman until Uncle Dixer mentioned it.
There’s one specific use of this talisman that Uncle Dixer mentioned, and that is to cure the Three Killings brought by the annual Feng Shui Flying Stars. If you choose to sleep against the direction of the Three Killings, then you can put this talisman on the wall behind your bed.
29. Painting: “Mountain Sea Town”

If you look closely, the “Mountain Sea Town” painting in the image above bear similar resemblance as the center image in the auspicious talisman “Prosperous Star Shining Above.” It’s a painting of five mountains with a village in the middle, accompanied by scriptures commonly seen in Taoist talisman.
Some sources say that this painting originated from the Qing Dynasty, and modern applications are more commonly seen in Taiwan.
This painting is used in situations where the front door is facing mountain summits, docks, bridges, an alley, and other types of negative Feng Shui energies. It is said that this painting requires blessing from the temple to be effective.
30. Wealth Ship

Many people have observed that Chinese tycoons have this Feng Shui item either in their house, their office, or both. The wealth ship symbolizes a ship carrying wealth into your home in a smooth journey. That is why the head of the ship should face towards the inside of your home, similar to other Feng Shui items mentioned above.
The wealth ship can come in many forms and sizes, and you should select model that you like and is suitable for your space.
The ship can be placed in both your home and your office. Suitable areas include your wealth areas based on your home’s (or office’s) Bagua, your Kua, and the annual wealth star’s location.
Word of Advice
Though the use of these Feng Shui items are quite common, they are by no means the game-changer to your home’s Feng Shui. In other words, your home’s Feng Shui will not make a 360 degree turn from bad to good just by buying and placing some of these items.
To understand how these items work and how Feng Shui can help you in general, you’ll need to understand the concept of correlative thinking, which Feng Shui Master Howard Choy has explained in detail in this article. Here’s an example about Feng Shui item the Three-Legged Frog that he has given:

“People say that if you put it (Three-Legged Frog) in your entry lobby, it will bring wealth for you. Does that mean you don’t have to work? Do you think you can just sit around and someone will come along and give you money, like the coins that are in the frog’s mouth? The frog is a symbol for begetting of wealth. It won’t acquire wealth for us!”
–Howard Choy, Feng Shui Master
Also, do not expect Feng Shui to do all the work for you. It is only here to assist us. It does NOT and will NOT help if you don’t work towards your goal yourself.
Some of these Feng Shui items are easy available and some are not. For instance, you can easily purchase Feng Shui animals and water features through various online stores. However, some Feng Shui artifacts, such as the Five Emperor Coins, require that the item be authentic because replicas won’t work as intended.
If you do decide to purchase some of these items, choose the ones that you like and is suitable for your home. If not, these items will become more of a nuisance than a charm.
Do you use any Feng Shui products or items? How has it worked for you? Please share your experience with us by commenting below!
Feng Shui practitioner and blogger of Feng Shui Nexus. I’ve witnessed the efficacy of Feng Shui, astrology and divination. Here, I share my knowledge and experiences with you to get you closer to your goals and dreams. Subscribe to get email updates or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Loved your article. Not many people know the advantages of Fengshui products. You have covered it beautifully.
very nice,thank you, pls forward the different types products which help in vaastu
Very interesting article, you have not mentioned Tiger paintings and statues, do they bring protection? especially if it is one’s own sign.
Hi Celine,
I do not know of the use of Tiger paintings and statues in Feng Shui. But if you have affinity with Tiger, then use it!
Hi sir victor! So base on your article do you believe and use feng shui items???
I also read your article about Qi, you said in the article:
“In feng shui, these trucks just gave off a form of Qi. It is this type of Qi that gives you the edgy feeling when you drive next to it. It is the kind of invisible pressure you feel when you’re right next to a bigger object or within a narrow space. Low ceilings, low hanging chandeliers, and huge furniture also tend to give off this form of Qi, but you will feel it only when you’re right under these objects or very close to it.”
Isn’t it related to feng shui items as the present rid these items gives of a good kind of Qi
Hope you reply
Best regards!
Hi Marvin,
It is totally possible, if you’re coming from the angle of Qi coming from vision. Imagine this extreme – if you hang knives on the ceiling, how would that make you feel if you’re right under it? But if you’ve covered your eyes and are not aware of its existence, what difference would it make?
Sometimes, Feng Shui items are just lucky symbols to bring us a positive attitude. As for really altering Qi flow, that’s something different.
So feng shui items are more of enhancing the place visually and the positive feeling and attitude of the people around it through the items positive meaning??
Do you have any articles that talks about altering Qi in homes???
And using 24 mountains and you find out that there is a yin house in a certain location or direction what do you recommend master victor? ?
And also as you said “It is totally possible, if you’re coming from the angle of Qi coming from vision.”
So it means there is still Qi in those feng shui items???
Hi Marvin,
Yes, there is still Qi in items. The concept is a little hard to explain, but here’s an article you can refer to as to the meaning of Qi: https://howardchoy.wordpress.com/2017/09/20/what-is-the-meaning-of-qi-in-feng-shui/
More about Qi, I’ve seen plants having an effect on the area. Check the images at the section “Feng Shui of Indoor Plants” in this article: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-rules/feng-shui-indoor-plants-guide/
As for Yin house, the counter-balance is Yang energy: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/moving-yin-to-yin-kua-house/
All in all, I think living and breathing items, as well as wind (air), sun, and water, all have its Qi. As for static, man-made, I personally think its more about how we perceive those items, through our visuals. An example would be color, which can bring certain emotions to us: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-home/colors-influence-homes-feng-shui/
Hi Good Day Victor how about Fend Shui about Kelisa Gold Fish?
Hi Tamil,
Here’s an article to answer your questions about Feng Shui fish: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-tips/how-to-feng-shui-fish-for-abundance-factors-to-consider/
[email protected]
Victor – You captured the essence well and made it practical. I have a query which i wanted to run it past you, I recently got a dragon turtle at home and tried to place it in north east direction facing a glass of water since that side didn’t have any water sinks or fountains. I dont understand much of bagua , can you please suggest me the right direction that can enhance its value and i get confused when it says inward facing or outward facing but not facing a wall. In modern house’s there’s wall on all four sides.
Hi Ranbir,
Here’s another way to think about it – inward facing would be facing the center point of the house. Please also read this article: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/why-feng-shui-products-dont-work/
Thank you Victor. When we say it say to be north east or east direction, do we mean it should face that direction or sit in that direction?
Btw, happy Diwali to you and your loved ones, this festival is all about lights, happiness and prosperity.
Is it bad luck to sell these items once used? We are trying to declutter and the house needs to be rented to other people. We plan to sell some of the items you mentioned that we have.
Hi La Bay,
No, it is not bad luck to sell these items once used. I’m assuming you haven’t enchanted those items.
Victor Cheng please clarify my dought weather it is really youseful or not and shall I believe it or not . Shall I place laughing Buddha Nexus in my house which attracts wealth.
Hi Salandi,
What do you think – if everyone places a laughing Buddha next to their house, then wealth would just come? Place it as a reminder for yourself that you need to work hard and smart to attract wealth.
I totally agreed with what the Feng Shui master, Howard Choy said. It is to assist us, but we have to work hard towards our goals. And yes, having positive energy / qi around our home is important! Stay healthy and lucky, every one!
J’ai adoré votre article et je suis convaincu que s’entourer d’objets pour attirer l’argents n’a aucun interêt si dans la vie on attends que cela arrive .
En ce qui concerne les protections je ne suis que moyennement convaincu car pourquoi un élément protecteur asiatique serait il plus puissant qu’un élément protecteur de nos propre religion ???
Par contre je crois beaucoup au Feng shui pour équilibrer les énergies qui nous entourent et pour que nos propres énergies soient en accord avec notre lieu de vie.
Merci encore .
Hi Martine,
I used Google translate for your comment, so apologies if I’ve mistranslated anything.
As for protective charms, I don’t think Asian ones are more powerful than other cultures. I think any charms would work if enchanted and passed down culturally with historical records as its base.