Dear Uncle Dixer: What is the lucky roof color for the addresses 422 and 632? Best regards.
Answer: 422 is a very Yin number, so you would need some bright color to balance it, like yellow/orange terracotta roof tiles.
632 has more Yang numbers (odd numbers) than Yin (even numbers), so I would use a darker color tiles like natural slate.
Generally speaking, a brighter color for house 422 and a more subdued color for house 632. If you can use a natural material, it’ll be luckier than an artificial one because being natural it goes with the Chinese philosophy of “Wu-Wei”. It is a “technique by means which one who practice it may gain enhanced control of human affairs”, according to Wikipedia.
Uncle Dixer is a Chinese-Australian Feng Shui Expert. He is here to answer your Feng Shui questions so we can better understand the workings of Feng Shui. Read more about him or submit your question to an expert.