Many of the concepts of feng shui relate to nature, so it’s no surprise for believers in the practice to have questions about indoor plants. In general, there’s a consensus that plants are good to have around your home. That’s because they improve air quality and because they can help regulate humidity in indoor spaces. Those factors can contribute a lot to your health and your immunity. In addition, having some extra greenery in your home can boost your mood for the better and motivate you to be more creative and productive in your endeavors.
But where exactly do feng shui and house plants intersect? Can bad feng shui cause your precious house plants to die, and is there any practice that you can implement in order to improve your feng shui with your plants? Here, Uncle Dixer gives a worried plant lover a straightforward answer.
Does Feng Shui Affect the Health of Your House Plants?
One reader fielded this query to our veteran contributor Uncle Dixer:
I have plants but they always die. What can I do and is it because of Feng Shui?
Uncle Dixer answered with the following:
That would indicate there is a lack of Sheng Qi (life-enhancing Qi) in your place. Perhaps you can try opening the curtains and letting the sunlight in, or relocating the plants to a window or an opening that has light? Watering the plants regularly would help.
Plants are like us. They need love and care to survive.
Additional Comments
In this case, more context is probably needed from the reader on top of factors involving feng shui. What type of house plants are they? How often are they watered, and how much sun do they get from their position in the house? You will need to answer these questions yourself if you’re taking care of house plants.
There’s a lot of additional wisdom that you can check out pertaining to plants and feng shui. Feng Shui Nexus contributor Victor Cheung has his own in-depth piece on the feng shui benefits of indoor plants, where he tackles principles like the eight cardinal directions and the best placements for house plant pots. In another entry, Uncle Dixer elaborates on auspicious colors for indoor plant pots depending on factors like one’s Kua element.
It would help to take Uncle Dixer’s advice to heart and to take special care of your house plants according to what they need. Like humans, they benefit from proper nourishment and attention. This is the surest way to cultivate life-enhancing Qi in your home and to live a healthy, environmentally-friendly, and emotionally rewarding life there.
What are your favorite insights about indoor plants and feng shui? Have you received helpful advice about how to enhance your home’s feng shui with plants? Don’t hesitate to share about the types of plants you have and what feng shui principles you’ve applied to the greenery in your home. Leave a comment for your fellow readers here below!
Uncle Dixer is a Chinese-Australian Feng Shui Expert. He is here to answer your Feng Shui questions so we can better understand the workings of Feng Shui. Read more about him or submit your question to an expert.