The Chinese invented a lot things, highlighted in one of my favorite books by Robert Temple, titled The Genius of China (with an introduction by Joseph Needham). Botanical prospecting, gun powder, hermetically sealed rooms for ancient surgeries, advanced farming methods credited to Europeans centuries later and the invention of mirrors, just to name a few of the things invented by the Chinese several thousand years ago and way ahead of other cultures. In fact, the Feng Shui compass (luo pan) was devised for Feng Shui purposes, to identify the local magnetic field, before Europeans figured out it could be used for maritime navigation.
Mirror’s Five Elements: Water or Metal?
The original mirrors were pieces of polished brass or bronze and they most certainly represented the metal element in Feng Shui practice. And yet, there is a misguided modern-day notion that mirrors are “water” since they reflect like a body of water. This is just one of the many misinformation that my Feng Shui courses seek to dispel.
The Bagua Mirror: Remedy or Talisman?
A very famous folk remedy, the ba’ gua mirror is octagonal in shape, with the Eight Trigrams imprinted around the eight sides. The ba’ gua mirror functions more as a talisman than as a mirror/metal remedy, and this token item is also misunderstood as just a shield of protection, even by practitioners who recommend them to clients. Again, I clarify its use its use in detail in my courses.
Shop Our Feng Shui Bagua Mirror Collection
Mirrors and Their Use in Feng Shui
When pressed for more details about mirrors and their use in Feng Shui, I point out that the size of the mirror matters, as well as whether the mirror is flat, convex or concave. All have to do with how the mirror can manipulate qi (unseen energy). Some rooms should not have mirrors, but rest assured that a bathroom is a perfectly fine place for them. In its most basic function, a mirror is used in Feng Shui for the same reasons they are recommended by interior designers: to bring in more light and the illusion of more space.
Dispelling Feng Shui Mirror Myths and Misinformation
When I teach my Feng Shui courses, including the online mentoring program, we dispel many of the well-known and perpetuating myths and misinformation, which continue to be linked to this esoteric topic. For example, we discuss the over-generalization that a house at the end of a T-junction is an unlucky house and in what circumstances it can be the luckiest house on the street. We discuss the proper and improper use of wind chimes and really big misconceptions about how to calculate someone’s best personal directions or how to determine the correct flying star chart for a house.
Distinguish Folk Remedies from Cultural Placebos
In order to move forward into the 21st century as a Feng Shui consultant, you must be both familiar with the folk remedies, many of which are cultural placebos, as well as what their original function was and if they can still be used today or if there are more appropriate alternatives. As an example, fish are an excuse to circulate water. This is why an electrically powered water fountain is just as good, or better than, than a fish bowl or koi pond.
In order to be taken seriously in many circles, the Feng Shui consultant must know how to make remedies or “cures” elegant and/or inconspicuous; otherwise, the very practice of Feng Shui will continue to be ridiculed or not taken seriously.
Practice Authentic Feng Shui with Kartar
Part of my online private mentoring program, Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui, includes how to handle oneself authentically and professionally, in addition to learning Feng Shui theory in a comprehensive and practical way. The world has seen a long list of new modern-day careers develop because of the computer and all its related technology. Similarly, the career of “Feng Shui expert” has never had more mass appeal, and world-wide accessibility, for learning and for consulting than right now.
For those of you who just want to learn and practice the basics, you can start with my beginner’s course.
Kartar Diamond of Feng Shui Solutions® has a full-scale consultancy, including assistance with property searches, design phase and existing homes and businesses. She is the author of three books, 6 ebooks, 36 Cast Study Lessons and more to come. See the books she’s authored or browse through her online Traditional Feng Shui school.