Dear Feng Shui Expert: Hi there! My new house is facing Northeast. I have 3 bedrooms – first one is in the Northwest, second is in Northeast, third one in the Southeast. My husband’s Kua is 8, and I am Kua 9. Would you know which bedroom we should sleep in? My two kids are Kua 1, and Kua 2. Should I place them both in Southeast room? Please help and thank you!
Answer by Kartar: You have asked a question which is not just theoretical, but based on your actual living situation. If it was theoretical, I could provide a short theoretical answer. But your question about a real situation stimulates more questions from me.
For the benefit of all reading this post, in order to come to an accurate answer, I would have to first make sure your compass reading is very accurate. Next, I would want to review an accurate floor plan and grid out all the directional zones. For example, it is possible that any of those bedrooms are not just neatly located in one direction, but possibly spanning more than one direction. And the key would be to see where the best bed location is, based on Form School Feng Shui. This has to do with where doors, windows, and closets are located. This narrows down which way a bed can go in any room.
Further, if the house faces Northeast, what degree of Northeast? Each of the eight major directions have three sub-set directions.
And when was the house built? I happen to be a Flying Star School practitioner. Knowing the age of a house reveals really important information. For example: if the house was built in 1950, the bedrooms will have dramatically different energy than if the house was built in 1970 or 1990 or 2004, etc. This could absolutely influence who should be in each room.
For the benefit of all reading this response, we also have to make sure you have figured out the correct “gua” or personal trigram for each family member. Based on year of birth, the Feng Shui New Year starts on February 3rd or 4th and is different from the Chinese Lunar New year, which starts on different days each year. There are also some practitioners who adhere to the “female gua” while others do not.
The bottom line is that it is hard to find perfection, especially with the more family members and prioritizing who gets which room. Let’s say theoretically, that a West type person must sleep in an “east type” bedroom. Perhaps they can at least sleep in a westerly direction within the room. This is why I would insist on seeing an accurate floor plan to answer your question for real life follow through. I hope this has educated you in some of the criteria that goes into an authentic, individualized analysis. And you are entitled to that, as opposed to generic advice which could be really inappropriate for your needs.
Kartar Diamond of Feng Shui Solutions® has a full-scale consultancy, including assistance with property searches, design phase and existing homes and businesses. She is the author of three books, 6 ebooks, 36 Cast Study Lessons and more to come. See the books she’s authored or browse through her online Traditional Feng Shui school.