If you’re a student wanting to write a book about Feng Shui, you will need to approach it like writing any other book. Feng Shui dates back centuries, but many people still use its techniques and philosophies today.

It wasn’t until the late 20th century that Feng Shui found its way to the west. You will want to persuade readers that it’s still relevant to create environments where people feel balanced, inspired and nurtured. Here are some tips on how to go about writing your book. 

Create the right environment for writing

If you’re going to write a good book, you need a decent environment to write it in. Your writing space should help you to feel creative and inspired. According to Feng Shui, you need to be in the command or power position. This position emerges from an instinctive need to have control over an environment. It’s why no one enjoys sitting with their back towards a door or window in a restaurant. 

Make sure you have a view of the door or out of a window and a solid wall behind you. The type of desk material also matters. Your energy responds differently to different materials such as wood, metal, marble or glass. You may be more focused and productive when you work on a white marble surface than a wood surface or vice versa. 

Choose the best plagiarism detector

If you write a book about Feng Shui as a college student, it is important to use a plagiarism detector. You don’t want to be guilty of copying material from another author; even this is inadvertent. You need to check your text, and you can use a plagiarism detector to do so. The highly-popular fixgerald.com is a free tool you can use to make sure your book is original. You can upload the full document, check for possible plagiarism issues and make adjustments. 

Hone in on your book idea

If you already know you want to write a book about Feng Shui, you need to make sure there’s an audience that will want to read it. Think about who would want to read it and why. If you choose your fellow students as an audience, you could show them how Feng Shui could help them to create a living space that encourages inspiration, creativity and success. Marketing a book is easier if it has an engaging title. Make sure the title you choose creates a favorable first impression. 

Do research

Writing a book on Feng Shui will require you to do some research. You will want to spend some time in libraries and researching online to absorb all you can about the subject. As you research, you will get more idea of what you want to include in your book. It will also help you to come up with chapter titles. 

Create an outline 

You will need to create an outline, whether it’s a detailed chapter outline or a visual map of how you will proceed. Your outline gives you a roadmap to follow so that your writing stays on track. For example, your first chapter could be about decluttering. You could write down a short description of what you will cover in this chapter. You may want to bring across that it’s not about having an immaculate space but one that’s not overwhelming, confusing or irritating. 

Write your first draft 

You could start your very first chapter with step-by-step information about how to declutter. Explain how Feng Shui suggests removing anything that can anchor someone in the past. 

It’s important to commit to a consistent writing regime. You could try setting daily word count targets to keep you on track. If you get stuck, try going back to your original outline and research. It will take persistence and dedication to keep writing until you complete your first draft. 

Revise and edit

Every good book needs many revisions. You can do this yourself or get a professional editor to help you. Be ruthless about what you could cut out entirely. Decide if there’s more you need to add. Does each chapter flow consistently from the one before? Do you have a strong opening hook and an impactful conclusion? You don’t even have to find a literary agent and submit a proposal to a publishing house today. You can self-publish and market your book online. 


Your book on Feng Shui could help student readers to create nurturing, inspiring environments. If it’s successful, it could pave the way for writing many other books in the future. 

Author’s Bio

Sylvester Greer worked in the corporate sector but realized that his main interest and his first love was academic writing. He enjoys being around students, having discussions with them and providing assignment writing assistance so that they can score high grades. His friendliness and high-level writing skills make him a top writer in the education field.