The great thing about park model homes is how cozy and comfortably small they are. These spaces are expertly crafted to be liveable without taking up a lot of real estate, making them ideal RV units for vacationing, traveling, and even using on your property for additional living space. 

Park model homes have the advantage of having intimate spaces to work with, making decorating and customizing these homes to work best for personal tastes and needs much easier. 

These fully customizable living structures are ideal for a variety of purposes. From ‘she sheds’ to home offices to on-site rental properties, park model homes can be enhanced in beautiful and cohesive ways to maximize your comfortable and intimate living space in the ways that best suit your needs. You’ve heard of Yin and Yang and the balance of energies, right? One way to make your living space most welcoming is to practice feng shui. Here, you’ll learn what feng shui is, and how it’s especially beneficial for your smaller space. You’ll also learn some helpful ways to incorporate Feng Shui into your living quarters. 

What Is Feng Shui? 

An ancient Chinese practice, feng shui is the art of changing the way energy flows through a living space via arranging and rearranging pieces within individual rooms. It’s believed that to achieve healthy and positive energy in your living space, feng shui principles should be utilized to their fullest. 

What feng shui principles should be followed vary depending on the goal of a property’s inhabitants: the five main elements of this ancient Chinese practice (metal, water, earth, fire, and wood) all play their part in achieving energy balance in the home in various ways, so it’s wise to play around with furniture and personal belonging placements until a comfortable energy is reached. 

What Are Examples Of Feng Shui?

The practice itself is simple: moving your bed under or away from a window, arranging your television set to be at a different focal point of your main room, and even changing the color choices for your walls or the design of your furniture can all be elements of proper feng shui in your park model home. 

Where you place your garden or even the direction you have your main windows pointing in your home can contribute positively or negatively to your tiny home’s feng shui, so be careful in the design and home placement choices you make. 

Why Is Feng Shui So Important For Smaller Living Spaces? 

The goal of feng shui in smaller spaces is to create a more intimate and positive atmosphere so greater enjoyment and clarity can be achieved. Since it’s easy to overwhelm a smaller property with too many things and ample clutter, this can lead to storing negative energy that will eventually make its way back to you. Feng shui principles in balance and continuity help prevent this from happening in your smaller living space. 

Imagine living in a small and cramped park model home. You’d feel disorganized and claustrophobic and be unable to fully enjoy the freedom your transportable home offers you. When you incorporate positive energy feng shui practices into your park model home, you place bedding, couches, chairs, tables, and other large items in the areas of your home where they will be most appreciated without compromising space. 

Furthermore, you make the most of your intimate space in ways that allow you to feel positive energy in every corner of your living space. You can hire a feng shui specialist to help you rearrange your furnishings and personal belongings once you purchase one of the park model homes for sale, or you can study up on feng shui and take to task the art of creating positive energy flow in your property yourself. Here are some ways you can improve the feng shui in your park model home: 

  • Use bright and earthy paint tones for accent wall colors 
  • Place round or oval mirrors in your main living areas
  • Remove clutter from under beds and furnishings to remove negative energy 
  • Use screens, rugs, and bookshelves to divide open spaces of rooms
  • Paint your door a separate color from the rest of your home to create a focal point entryway

Since your park model home can be customized in several ways to make an open and inviting floor plan, you can maximize the space you have with easily incorporated feng shui ideas. Consider where you’re living when using feng shui, whether you’re thriving in your hometown or constantly traveling, to help you decide on design aspects for your park model home to best encourage positive energy flow at all times. A feng shui practitioner can assist you. 

Feng Shui Makes Your Tiny House A Home

Feng shui is ultimately designed to make your intimate space feel as inviting as possible. In making your park model house a home using feng shui principles to guide you, whether you use your tiny home RV throughout the year or mainly as a vacation or spare home, you can feel comfortable and welcomed as soon as you walk in the door. If your park model home feels uncomfortable, cramped, and dated, it’s time to consider a few feng shui techniques to make your space feel entirely yours again. You’d be surprised how something as simple as a fresh coat of vibrant paint can give your park model home the energy you desire. 

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