I was Born in Year of Tiger. How Can I Attract Wealth?
Dear Uncle Dixer: I was born in the year of the tiger. How can I attract wealth?
Dear Uncle Dixer: I was born in the year of the tiger. How can I attract wealth?
Dear Uncle Dixer: There is a lot information about bed direction, but it is still not clear for me. In case when a person is situated on the bed with face up, then is the bed direction where the legs are pointing or where the head is pointing? Thank you.
Dear Uncle Dixer: I’d like to know the best cures for stairs that lead straight out the front door. I know it’s not good. The front door is facing West and the stairs run along the north wall. Distance between the first stair step to the front door is about 2.5meters. The front door is a…
Dear Uncle Dixer: My husband (1948 Rat) and I (1953 Snake) are looking to move from New York to Florida and purchase our first house this year, 2017. Is it better to wait until after the Fall 2017 when prices will begin to drop? How long after the Fall of 2017 should we wait to look…
Dear Uncle Dixer: My laundry room and bathroom is in south side of my home. Are there any cures for Feng Shui Flying Stars 2017 that I can use for the south sector of my home? Thanks.
Dear Uncle Dixer: What are the Feng Shui cures for a house that’s facing South and also faces a slow-flowing creek that flows from East to West?
Dear Uncle Dixer: My house is built on top of sand stone. Is this the reason I feel sick a lot?
Dear Uncle Dixer: Is cat in house good luck or bad luck?
Introduction Most people usually look at the practice of Feng Shui in terms of its relation to the interiors of a home. But there are Feng Shui principles for architecture and building design, too. Many of them have to do with optimizing external spaces in order to bring the desired energies, such as harmonious energies,…
Dear Uncle Dixer: My house is East facing and when we open the front door, it leads towards the wall of our toilet, which is in the West direction. Will this be a problem.