
A house should not only be sturdy, but it should also look good. The desire to make a structure seem visually appealing has led to plenty of architectural and design innovations, with some builders even adding purely aesthetic elements to the home just to improve its appearance.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, and many people even prefer to incorporate a lot of non-structural elements into their dream home to achieve the look that they are going for. However, one’s preference for their home may not necessarily agree with that of another. One person’s dream home may not exactly appeal to the taste and preferences of the person who will be buying the house in the future.

If you end up living in a home that has elements that don’t exactly line up with your tastes, how can you deal with it? Uncle Dixer has received plenty of similar questions like this in the past. Today’s question is from someone who’s dealing with a false beam above their bed and wants to remove it without risking dropping the ceiling. Here’s what Uncle Dixer has to say on the matter.

Dear Uncle Dixer: How do I lessen the effect of a false beam above my bed without dropping the ceiling?

Answer: The keyword you have given me to solve your concern is that it is a “false beam”.

A false beam is not a true beam that would normally hold up the weight of a building above and could crush you while you are asleep. A false beam is just the looks. It does no harm, so there is nothing for you to worry about.

But if you have read too many Feng Shui books and it still worries you, then by all means, put up a false ceiling to hide it. But that would just be a waste of money because you are stuck with a misinformed Feng Shui rule.

Additional Comments

If an element in your home does not line up with your vision for your dream house, it’s a good idea to determine the exact role it plays in the structure. If a beam is there just for its look, then there’s a good chance that you can get rid of this element without sacrificing the safety of your home. If you’re not sure about this, it’s best to have a professional look at it before you make a final decision.

Uncle Dixer has also mentioned that some people read too many Feng Shui books, and this can cause them to worry incessantly about the design of the home. If you have questions or concerns about the Feng Shui of your property in Sydney and you’re getting conflicting ideas from your references, why not get a Feng Shui expert in New South Wales to look at your house? This can help you settle on the right answer for your property. Feng Shui Nexus can connect you with Feng Shui experts in the US and Canada as well.