Dear Kartar Diamond: I am a sheep while my husband is a snake. Can you confirm what front door directions are good for both of us? It is preferred to go with the best front door direction of the man over the woman (what my parents say…) or is a good one for either person ok?

Answer: You asked about best door entrance directions, based on your Chinese Zodiac signs.  There is a lot to be said about this and firstly I have to assume that you know how to take a precise compass reading and  that you are also working with an accurate floor plan drawing.  Anything less than that is just guesswork. This is especially true since the Chinese zodiac signs are just 15-degree increments on the compass.  For example, someone born in the Year of the Sheep may want to avoid the Ox direction of NE-1 (NNE) as that can be very draining.  Likewise, the Snake is in opposition  to the Pig, so the Pig Direction of NNW (NW-3) can be draining for the Snake as an entrance.

In some schools of Feng Shui, we borrow from Chinese astrology to figure out the best and worst ways to sleep, enter a house, best areas of a house to dwell in or work station positions.

And many families and couples are at odds with each other in terms of their best sleeping directions, such as with a couple sleeping in the same bed.   For these cases, we have to prioritize qi flow and do what is best for the energy of the room—and hope that whoever dwells there can benefit on that level. Likewise, with an entrance, we can address the flying stars resident there, so  that anyone entering can benefit.

In my book, The Feng Shui Matrix, I cover a lot of information about best personal directions, based on the Eight Trigram system within the Eight Mansion School, as well as specific applications based on Ba Zi or Zi Wei Dou Shu. Sometimes we refer to the “branch” of the Chinese zodiac sign and sometimes we refer to the “stem” (for such things as the Lu Cun Direction).

When it comes to who should be served first, it is true that older patriarchal systems would cater to what is best for the man, husband or father in the house.  Now things are more equal, as they should be. We also want to give the advantage to anyone who is not doing well physically or financially.