The ancient wisdom of feng shui is about arranging and organizing living spaces to create balance and harmony with nature. For thousands of years, it has been practiced in Chinese culture to dispel negative energy and encourage good ones. Today, even Western cultures use feng shui to create healthy, peaceful, and liveable environments at both work and home.
If you are planning on selling or buying a property, these ancient principles could help you sell faster or purchase a home with a balanced energy force that can bring happiness, prosperity, and peace into your life. In this article, we dive into the key feng shui aspects to focus on for buyers and sellers.
Feng Shui Tips for Property Buyers
Here are the essential feng shui principles to consider when you are looking to purchase a house.
Finding a property in a good location is a top priority for any home buyer. Being close to shops, restaurants, schools, and workplaces is often a major consideration.
However, feng shui’s focus is somewhat different. It emphasizes specific factors that could cause imbalance and those that stimulate a better energy flow. For instance, water bodies, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds, are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity to homeowners. A clean, vibrant, and peaceful neighborhood with lush greenery can also positively influence the chi or energy flow in your property.
Cemeteries, hospitals, landfills, and T-junctions, on the other hand, are known to cause sha chi or negative energy. T-junctions, for example, have to do with the concept of poison arrows, which refers to anything with sharp angles pointed toward the inside or outside of a building.
House Exterior
Does the property look clean, fresh, and inviting? Is the garden neat, tidy, and luscious? If you have good vibes at first glance, take it as a positive sign.
According to feng shui, there are other elements to take note of. Curved driveways, for instance, are favored over straight ones that create a poison arrow. Pay particular attention to the main entrance, too. Properties with two front entrances are best avoided.
House Interior
Certain features of a home’s interior could affect different aspects of your life, from family and relationships to health and wealth.
For example, staircases facing the front door are believed to guide good energy upstairs without allowing it to flow through the rooms on the lower level of the property. Stairs that spiral up and those placed at the center of a house are equally inauspicious.
The location of different rooms is another factor to consider. To avoid sha chi, the kitchen should never face bedrooms or the entrance or be located next to a bathroom. Bedrooms should not be placed on top of open spaces, while the master bedroom is best positioned toward the back of the house. Meanwhile, the preferred location for bathrooms is on the outer parts of the house and never on top of or under a stairway.
Checking the history of the property is also advisable. Find out more about the previous owners and any significant events that took place while they were staying in the house in question. For example, have there been any divorces, deaths, or illnesses? Feng shui believes that the energies of past negative events can get absorbed into properties. Therefore, any house where residents have encountered disharmony and bad fortune is better avoided.
If you need help and advice on specific principles, ask around your social media communities to find a feng shui expert and schedule a Zoom call. If you prefer to arrange a property inspection, search for a local consultant on Leadar. If you are inclined to buy a house and are ready to move in and start renovations, then look for the best homeowners insurance company near you. This will bring you even more peace of mind.
Feng Shui Tips for Property Sellers
House sellers have limited options when it comes to correcting location-related sha chi. However, there are plenty of ways to eliminate other causes of negative energies and bring positivity and balance into a property you wish to sell.
Declutter and Clean
Clutter is not only visually unappealing; it also prevents positive energy from flowing freely. So, get rid of excess and unwanted items. Clean both inside and outside the house thoroughly, repair any leaks, dents, cracks, and chips, and give a fresh coat of paint to create an inviting ambiance and encourage positive chi.
Introduce Greenery
Decorating your house with indoor plants and fresh flowers is an excellent idea to infuse feng shui. Pothos, peace lily, and money plant are some of the plant options to consider.
Your garden will also need some extra attention. Ensure the shrubs are pruned, the lawn is mowed, and trees, plants, and grass look healthy and well-kept. Introducing the five elements of feng shui—earth, wood, fire, water, and metal—is also important. For instance, stones, wooden benches, birdbaths, ponds, lighting fixtures, and metal wind chines are all clever ways to boost positive chi.
Integrate Uplifting Fragrances
Bad odors can block the inflow of positive energy. Therefore, get rid of any unpleasant smells, keep windows open to allow fresh air flow, and light scented candles to create a relaxing and calming environment.
Consider Furniture Placement
Use the feng shui bagua (i.e., energy map) when you are staging the house. It will guide you to arrange the space based on eight critical areas in life, including family, children, wealth, and career. Each area is represented by a specific element and number, as well as colors and shapes, which you can use to create balance.
In addition, be mindful of the path of energy flow throughout the house and avoid obstructing it with furniture and other items. Starting from the entryway, keep walking spaces uncluttered to allow positive chi to flow freely.
Avoid Poison Arrows
Check which elements are creating the poison arrow effect, indoors and outdoors, and eliminate them as much as possible. This may mean rearranging furniture or blocking sharp edges using plants, screens, and similar items.
To Conclude
Practiced for thousands of years in the Far East, the wisdom of feng shui is today adopted by many in the Western world to create balance and harmony in energy forces and infuse good fortune in every aspect of life.
While no property will perfectly align with all feng shui principles, many sha chi instances can be fixed or corrected, often at a cost. Whether you are a property buyer or a seller, investing in creating positive chi will prove a good investment in the long haul.