Feng Shui of Electrical Station Behind Apartment
Dear Uncle Dixer: Is it unlucky to stay in an apartment with an electrical station house behind it? I can see the electrical room when I looking out from master bedroom.
Dear Uncle Dixer: Is it unlucky to stay in an apartment with an electrical station house behind it? I can see the electrical room when I looking out from master bedroom.
Dear Uncle Dixer: In my bedroom, there is the mountain 3 and water 4 Flying Stars. It seems like this is a very bad combination. I would like to activate the 4, what can I do?
Dear Uncle Dixer: I rent a Period 5, 220 degree SW facing 4 level home. Since moving in, I have many financial issues and health problems. This home does not have a good natal chart, and I have remedied as best to my knowledge. I have been advised to move, but financially I can’t. So my…
Introduction There are plenty of things that a person should consider before they decide that the partner they’re with is the one. Some people deem it a must to find a life partner who shares their values and dreams for the future, while others are intent on partnering with someone who complements their personality. But…
Dear Uncle Dixer: Is it true that if you have a seafarer relative (brother), and you have an aquarium indoor, this would be a jinx?! We are hesitant to give out our fishes since they are my daughter’s pet.
Introduction Starting a big project can be nerve-wracking for many people, especially if they put a lot of effort into preparing for this new endeavor. For example, some people ensure that they have all the ingredients they need to cook a particular dish before they start, while others prefer to intricately plan their next event…
Introduction Most people have at least a few antique, thrift, or hand-me-down items in their homes. It’s practical to repurpose and reuse old items that might still be in decent condition, and some people may even find it fun to hunt around at yard sales or antique stores for vintage finds. One important thing to…
Being able to design your own home allows you full control over where the different rooms are placed, but sometimes you might not have the option to do so. Maybe you’ve purchased a prebuilt house or apartment, or you’re renting a space that has less than ideal feng shui placements. This can be especially concerning…
Introduction Newcomers to Feng Shui may initially feel overwhelmed at how many factors are involved when it comes to securing one’s good luck, harmony, and happiness. First, there’s the involvement of auspicious items like bamboo plants, Feng Shui animals, the laughing Buddha, and Feng Shui fountains. But one must also pay attention to factors like…
Dear Uncle Dixer: Hi! Our front door is facing our dining table. Do I need a cabinet that will serve as divider? And should the cabinet entirely cover the front door from width to height?