Aren’t we all curious about what will happen in the future? Personally, I’m interested business, economy, and political events around the world. It helps me (a little) on planning for the year. It helps me plan international travels and stock investments with the little money that I have. Therefore, business, economic, and political forecasts are…

If you haven’t noticed, feng shui can be quite different depending on which expert you talk to. Some “western” feng shui practitioners advocate a more “modern” approach to the practice of feng shui. They claim that some traditional concepts and use of feng shui should evolve according to our modern life-style. ShareTweetPinEmail21 Shares

Read the latest article: 2017 Feng Shui Predictions by 7 Feng Shui Masters. Every year, I read dozens of annual forecasts and predictions from “masters”, Feng Shui Experts, and fortune tellers (and sometimes even prophecies). Looking back, some of their forecasts were quite accurate, perhaps due to their broad or vague statements. Others, however, were…

If you’re thinking of getting a feng shui consultation, I want you to read this article. I’m writing this because I occasionally hear about complaints and disappointments from someone who had consulted with a feng shui expert. In fact, some people can get so angry that they bring lawsuits against their feng shui consultant, like what happened to Szeto…

Previously, I talked about some good habits that’ll help improve the bad feng shui of your restroom. The problem is, making these habits can be hard. For instance, I know how important it is to keep the lid closed when flushing the toilet because bacteria from the toilet can travel six to eight feet in airborne water…