The Story of the Feng Shui Amulet: The Rooster King

February 4, 2017 is Li Chun, the first day of the lunar calendar in the Year of the Fire Rooster, and there is no better time to tell the story of the origin of the Feng Shui amulet, “Rooster King Protecting (Your) Home” (Ji Wang Zhen Zhai雞王鎮宅). 

2017 Political & Economic Predictions by 7 Feng Shui Masters

Aren’t we all curious about what will happen in the future? Personally, I’m interested business, economy, and political events around the world. It helps me (a little) on planning for the year. It helps me plan international travels and stock investments with the little money that I have. Therefore, business, economic, and political forecasts are…

Can Feng Shui Help Us Become Rich?

In my last article, I wrote about why your Feng Shui Setup is NOT attracting wealth for you. If you read that article, you’ll understand why the “get-rich-quick-scheme” Feng Shui marketing is misguided. That’s because the “wealth formula” are often linked to original prosperity principles, which was aimed at sustaining life and having enough food,…

Why Your Feng Shui Wealth Setup is Not Attracting Wealth

Editor’s note: This is a thought-leadership article by Feng Shui Master Laurent Langlais. It is an in-depth analysis of today’s Feng Shui practice of enhancing one’s wealth. If you Google something along the lines of “Feng Shui wealth”, the search engine comes up with more than 500,000 results. With so many “instant formulas” so easily…

3 Feng Shui Rules Related to Ghosts and the Supernatural

A reader asked me what to do when there are “diabolical” entities in the room. Another messaged me about “cleansing” the house from ghosts and spirits. Although Feng Shui does not really have these solutions, some Feng Shui consultants who have the ability to “sense” other-worldly beings incorporate that into their practice. So I understand…