By writing for Feng Shui Nexus, you can build an audience while gaining recognition and authority.
- You can link to your site (more on this below) and build your website’s SEO.
- You will get referral traffic from Feng Shui Nexus to your website
- More than 5,000+ subscribers (as of 2019) will instantly get notified when your article is published
- Your article will rank on Google, generating consistent traffic and awareness for you
- Your article will be promoted on various social media pages
- Future articles will link to your article, generating referral traffic and building authority for you
Who Can Contribute?
Only expert practitioners listed on the directory with a Pro Plan on can write for Feng Shui Nexus.
The Pro Plan allows you to contribute 4 articles a year. Get started by creating your account now.
The Basic Requirements
- It must be about Astrology, Feng Shui, or Divination. Similar practices are welcomed.
- You must be the original author of the article. You can write new articles or publish existing ones. Original articles are preferred and will be more heavily promoted (with paid promotion) when compared to their republished counterpart.
- Be respectful. Do not attack, bad-mouth, or defame others.
- It is NOT pure commercial. Advertorials, press releases, and company/service specific articles are NOT welcomed.
- It must be 700 words or more. It may contain relevant images (100K or less in size), videos, and outbound links that improve the overall experience and knowledge of our readers.
- Original unique content is highly preferred.
What Should You Write About?
Content ideas and guidelines for EVERYONE:
- Please talk about at least one metaphysics concept in your guest blog.
- We’d love to hear about your personal experiences. What did you do and how did it work out for you?
- Opinions are awesome. Just remember to be respectful.
Other ideas or guidelines:
- Don’t be too technical unless you only want to speak to that group of people who have intermediate or advanced knowledge. That’s usually a smaller group of people.
- We’d love to hear about your professional experiences, especially around what you did and how it helped. Success stories are great! People love it. I love it.
- Feel free to express your expert opinion on related subjects. Just remember to be respectful.
- Feel free to promote yourself by using stories or your experience. Just don’t overdo it.
How Should You Write It?
The preferred writing style:
- Write like you speak. Fourth grade English writing level will appeal to a larger audience. This is completely your choice.
- Dissect your post into sections with sub-headings. Please make it easy for readers to skim through the article by dividing your article into digestible chunks using sub-headings.
How Should You Link?
- Links must fit naturally into your writing. Don’t try to force a link.
- Links must provide value to the reader. This means that the reader can get more information about that subject if they click on the link. This can be other articles, blog posts, research, or data.
- A few affiliate links are fine. Don’t overdo this.
- Don’t spam links. A link for every 200 words is a good amount.
- We reserve the right to remove any links at our discretion.
How to Submit Your Article:
Please email the following to your contact person at Feng Shui Nexus (you should have his/her contact if you are listed on Feng Shui Nexus directory).
- The final draft of your writing. Use hyperlinks for your links.
- Relevant images in separate files. Do not paste it within the document because the image may get resized and resolution will be lost.
- A proposed headline. I may work with you on the headline to give it more of a punch.
- A brief bio of yourself. It should only be 4-6 sentences long and around 120 words. Here is where you insert links to your website.
- A photo of yourself if you haven’t sent one already.
Final Words:
To ensure the quality experience of the readers, your writing and headline are subject to edits before publishing. We will seek your approval before publishing.
I will promote your guest post to the readers of Feng Shui Nexus across various channels. I will also guest blog on other websites to promote your guest post.
By submitting to Feng Shui Nexus you acknowledge that you accept our terms and any form of editing we deem necessary.