By Terah Kathryn Collins
This 65-page ebook is a collection of tips on how to Feng Shui your entire home for romance. The book contains a total of 12 chapters and with 2 appendices.
In this eBook, you will learn:
- The concept of the Western School of Feng Shui.
- How to apply Feng Shui romance to the home, room by room.
- Appendices with the Bagua map and taking romance on the road.
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Terah Kathryn Collins
Terah Kathryn Collins is a best-selling author and founder of the Western School of Feng Shui™. She is also the originator of Essential Feng Shui®, which focuses on the many valuable applications Feng Shui has in our Western culture while honoring the essence of its Eastern heritage. Her inspirational books on the subject have sold over a million copies worldwide.