Kitchen plays an important role in residential Feng Shui. When we do a Feng Shui analysis of a home, the three most important living areas to look at are (1) the front door, (2) the bedroom, and (3) the kitchen. You may already know why the front door and the bedroom is important. For those…
The Feng Shui practice of using Life Kua number is based off of the Eight Mansions School of Feng Shui. Essentially, your Life Kua number tells you what your lucky and unlucky directions are, and what aspects of luck are affected by your auspicious and inauspicious directions. Before reading this article, you should already know…
You’ve probably read countless Feng Shui bedroom rules and tips. Have you ever noticed that you can’t implement all at the same time? Because sometimes one rule conflicts with another? For instance, you probably know that the bedroom door shouldn’t be facing the bed. However, if you place it somewhere else, you will be sleeping…
This popular Feng Shui rule is commonly misunderstood. Most Feng Shui beginners (and some practitioners) associate stairs facing the front door as bad Feng Shui by default. However, this is only half true and is not always the case.
In times of uncertainty, some people turn to metaphysics such as Feng Shui and Astrology. But what’s their role in this coronavirus pandemic? I’m seeing lots of questions like: how come Feng Shui masters and astrologers didn’t predict this coronavirus pandemic? After all, this is such a HUGE global event that will definitely get recorded…
When you learn Feng Shui, you’ll inevitably learn about the Five Elements (also known as “Wu Xing”). They are Earth, Water, Fire, Metal, and Wood. What do they mean and how are they used? Where did the concept even come from? In this guide, you will learn the basics of the Five Elements, including its…
The use of Feng Shui Life Kua number is a practice in Eight Mansions Feng Shui. Your Kua number tells you what your personal auspicious and inauspicious directions are. Just like how houses and apartments have 8 different Kua based on their facing direction, each of us also belong to 8 different Kua numbers based…
Here’s a story about a “Feng Shui Master” that I’ve encountered in my trip to Taiwan during the winter of 2018. A close friend of mine asked me to go visit a “fortune teller” with him because he knows my site offers a similar line of business – Bazi astrology reading. He wouldn’t have gone…
If you’ve read multiple Feng Shui articles online, I’m 100% confident that you’ve heard of a Feng Shui tip along the lines of: These are very popular Feng Shui practices. For those that follow these tips, some say they work, and some say don’t. What is going on here? In this article, you will find…
If you know a little about Feng Shui, you’d know that it was developed thousands of years ago. The core practice is still the same, but some of the popular rules no longer hold true. That’s because our living standards have GREATLY improved over the last century. Our scientific knowledge has changed our lifestyle, especially…