How to Treat Feng Shui Flying Star 2,5 Combination

Dear Kartar: My house natal chart says that I have 2,5 stars in my kitchen which unfortunately is in the NW direction of my house. The second floor NW direction is a bedroom. We are using induction range in kitchen and I placed an all metal fan that’s turned on for the whole day except…

How to Place the Bagua Map Over Your Floor Plan?

Dear Kartar: I have always read to align the bagua map with the front door of my house. Lately, I have read it should be aligned with the North side of my house. Which is correct? I need to improve my love life! I have rearranged my furniture so many times. Thanks!

Bedroom & Bathroom Door Face Backdoor: Bad Feng Shui?

Dear Kartar: Is it bad for the bedroom and bathroom door facing directly to the back door of the house? I plan to do renovation by changing the current standard backdoor to wide sliding door overlooking the garden at the backyard. Is this considered door facing door? I heard it’s bad feng shui. Any cures…

Feng Shui Cure for House Number 44?

Introduction What’s in a number? To those who believe in practices like feng shui and numerology, there’s a lot of meaning that can be uncovered by particular values or arrangements of numbers. Some numbers, like the numbers 7 (in Western culture) and 8 (Chinese culture), are associated with good luck and prosperity. Others, like the…

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