When is a Good Month to Build My House?

Introduction In the practice of Feng Shui, specific dates can set a precedent for good luck. The auspiciousness of a date for an important event in one’s life—for example, their wedding or the start of construction on their new home—may depend on factors like the current year and the person’s Chinese zodiac sign. Some people…

Feng Shui Items and Lucky Symbol Placement

Introduction n the practice of Feng Shui, “lucky items” or auspicious items represent the kind of energy that you wish to direct into an aspect of your life. Some of the most well-known lucky items are oranges (considered auspicious for their vibrant color and representative of yang energy, which brings joy and abundance), the Eternal…

Feng Shui of Bedroom That Uses Rails Instead of Closets

Dear Uncle Dixer: I live in South Africa. Single women (well, divorced since age 25 – now 55) looking for long term relationship/marriage. My bedroom has three doors. A door to the bathroom, a door that leads out onto the patio and a door that leads down a passage to the rest of the house. My…

Feng Shui Cure for a Bed Under a Window Without Using Curtains

Do you often have trouble getting enough rest at night? If so, this may be because of where your bed is located. According to feng shui principles, the exact placement of your bed can negatively impact the quality of your sleep. A common example of bad feng shui is placing a bed right under a…

Feng Shui Cure for Front Door Aligned with Back Door

Dear Uncle Dixer: Is it ok if a house has its front door and back door aligned in a straight line? Meaning, if you step in the house through the front door, you will see back door that goes to the back yard or decks.

Moving from Yin Kua to Another Yin Kua House

Dear Uncle Dixer: I recently came about an article about house 8 trigrams. It said 4 belong to Yang Kua and the other 4 belong to Yin Kua. “干坎艮震四阳卦, 巽离坤兑四阴卦. 从阳卦搬入阴卦或从阴卦迁至阳卦是为吉祥,若是由阴入阴、阳入阳那就算不吉了” What can I do if I am moving from 兑 (dui) to 巽 (xun), which is 阴入阴 (Yin to Yin). Any cures for this…