Comments on: 6 Reasons Why Feng Shui Is Effective in Treating Mental Illness Fri, 15 Sep 2023 07:58:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yuamy Martinez Mon, 10 Dec 2018 18:33:56 +0000 Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophical system of origin Taoist based on the conscious and
harmonious occupation of space, in order to achieve from it a positive influence on the people who
occupy it. The word Feng Shui is translated as “earth and sky”. It was thus known by their oriental
ancestors, who practiced in their daily life the observation of nature and its cycles. It is part of
the so-called shenmiwenhua of Chinese culture, which deals with mysterious,
secret and impossible to see things. It is said that in ancient China it was developed on the banks
of the Yellow River and due to this, its inhabitants were always worried about protecting themselves
from the strong currents of the river when it was growing as well as the furious winds that could
collapse their houses and even a complete village.Its territory of action is situated on the border
of two worlds: that of the earth (called ken kai), visible and physical, and that of the sky
(called yu kai), unknown, invisible and vibratable, considered from a pseudoscience to “A compendium
of ancient Chinese superstitions.”

Best Regards.
