Comments on: My Experience with Supernatural Feng Shui: What’s Legit and What’s Not Wed, 14 Aug 2024 01:47:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Cheung Thu, 17 Oct 2019 03:22:54 +0000 In reply to Grant Wheeler.

Thanks Grant, we’ll be in touch.

By: Grant Wheeler Sun, 13 Oct 2019 03:33:10 +0000 Hi Victor Cheung, I am a Feng Shui Master Studying under Joseph Ip the personal advisor to Le Ka Shing of Concord Pacific Hong Kong. There are many varied principals within Feng Shui however religion is not one of them. Feng Shui is a five to seven thousand year old Chinese philosophy based on man living with all living, dead, and inanimate objects, and how we place ourselves relative to them. This is what divination is all about. Divination meaning the practice of divining or seeking knowledge by supernatural means. Che is something north american people have trouble understanding. It is all consummate energy, all complete energy. I tell people is has similar properties as gravity does, you can not see it or feel it but it works whether you believe it or not.
Thousands of years before the written word Feng Shui knowledge was passed down from generation to generation by the spoken word by religious people within the wealthy elite. This knowledge was not shared with the common people. For this and many other reasons people have thought there was religion involved. The Chinese priests were for many year the only people who could read and write. When knowledge is held back from the masses many ideas are worked into what they do not know. This is why today there is still much superstition woven into the teachings of Feng Shui.
Books on this subject which are written in North America today are printed in China. Through the translation and direction we have Yin Yang printed up side down and backwards, left and right mixed up north and south mixed up and the calendar that few get right.
I believe that intention is wonderful thing and if you strongly believe something positive will happen after you have taken action then there is a much greater chance of making good things come to pass.
I hope this adds to your bank of knowledge.
Cheers Grant
