Comments on: The Cosmic Trinity and Limitations of Feng Shui’s Influence Over You Wed, 08 Dec 2021 01:29:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harry Lewis Wed, 23 May 2018 14:37:27 +0000 According to the ancient classics, there are three distinct – but interconnected – forces that influence your journey in life. Each one is equally weighted in importance without regard to hierarchy or order. Very good and rich article. I often write about this in my blog, but it’s not always possible to write so beautifully. Often, guys from help me to do this. The text is always original, full of interesting words and conclusions. The crucial aspect of Feng Shui is to achieve the absolute alignment of yourself, your awareness and your virtue. This way, your energy is aligned with the higher source. You already have the power within yourself.

By: Victor Cheung Tue, 03 Apr 2018 04:24:52 +0000 In reply to Glor8.

Hi Ms. Callaghan,
First, I’m glad that you enjoy reading my blog! Thanks!
As for placing items, I wouldn’t put such emphasis on it. The most important aspect is the house’s sitting/facing direction, relative to where the front door, kitchen, and bedroom is in the house.
As for ley line, I haven’t had much experience with it. Only information I have are from TV shows, which I have doubts on their info.
If you’re a pensioner, I’d say you don’t need a Bazi heaven luck reading. It’s mostly for those that are at a cross-road with regards to a life decision. Just enjoy the rest of your life! But if you insist, you can find the pricing and more info here:

By: Glor8 Sat, 31 Mar 2018 09:46:59 +0000 Hi, I found your blog post very interesting to read and I certainly have a better understanding of some of your comments on Feng Shui. Admittedly the ones I found confusing were living in a flat and being able to change location of rooms etc but not if the flat isn’t your own. So is it worth placing any items of Feng Shui to enhance energy etc?
I have been told that we live on a ley line. Is this good or bad?
As for the Bali heaven luck, what you say regarding Luck through our lives makes sense, certainly for me. I am a pensioner and so far during my life I haven’t had a great amount of luck, only little, such as buying my own house, which unfortunately I no longer have.
How much does it cost to have a Bazi heaven luck reading?
Thank you for your blog posts and information.
Best regards
Ms G Callaghan
