Comments on: Why the Eight Cardinal Directions Are a Big Deal in Feng Shui Tue, 11 Jun 2024 12:28:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Beth Sat, 23 Dec 2023 01:24:25 +0000 I have read a lot over the years about feng shui. One should remember that feng shui means wind and water. Some of the early information made quite common sense. For instande having a hill/mountain behind your dwelling and a waterway in front within the bend of a river or stream would allow time and place to escape rising water of a flood, and the hill would possibly protect from strong winds if the hill were between your dwelling and prevailing strong wind direction. Being in the bend rather than the other side would also give more time, because the most rapid flow goes around you and nowhere does it go directly toward your dwelling: in a flood time, then the land would flood first that was in the way of the strongest current. The mountain/hill behind your dwelling would give quick access to higher ground in a flood.
Protecting your dwelling and life from the ravages of strong wind and water currents is common sense.
(In the same way, traffic unable to stop would likely follow off from the course of the road, so being in the bend of a road is better than being on the opposing side, where a runaway car would likely be heading.)
Later I began to read about favorable directions for the face of a house. Cold fronts generally arrive from more northerly lattitudes. Cold winds in winter blowing from north into your dwelling place would not be advisable in most instances. A mountain behind might shelter your dwelling from winds in that direction. (Of course commons sense says that tropical locales would need to think more of the direction of strong sea winds and hurricanes, rather than northerly winter winds.) Front doors, being the largest opening, let in the largest northwind force or the largest sea wind/water force near the ocean.
I think people need to use some common sense regarding wind and water/feng shui.
These common sense wind and water feng shui advisories sat well with me.
Later people started saying that one must consider the front door as north, northwest, or northeast no matter which way the compass showed that it faced! This sounded like superstitious humbug. North is north. Period. At least to me.

Regarding bed position? When I was a child I slept in a bed with a window right by me. I slept facing that window. In summer, the window was open with nothing but a screen between me and the night outside. I slept very well, and often had wonderful dreams about climbing out the window to go and play under the moon. In winter I liked to write on the frost on the window interior with my fingernail with my little arm braving the cold while the rest of me was cuddled under the quilts my granny had made. I was never afraid. I do not think I was harmed in any way by the window nor the energies from it, nor from my back being toward the door to my room. But that was long ago in a more peaceful era. And I had said my prayers sincerely before bed, so I was protected, I believe, in my life and in my dreams.
Lately, I was working on a little room newly constructed off the garage which would be a workroom, craftroom and garden shed for potting plants. I looked at feng shui again. There seems to be more nonsense than ever. Still, i found a site to tell me where my auspicious areas would be according to my gua. I read with interest until I was interrupted. When I came back to my computer, I had lost my place, so I looked up the personal number info again. Another site said that my number was not seven because i am female it is six. A whole new directional luck placement needed to be studied. So one expert said 7, another said 6.
I will let God’s angels take care of me like they must have when I was that child sleeping by an open window. I think too many people are calling themselves experts who have forgotten what wind and water means.
Insofar as GPS and electromagnetism? Of course we have innate responses to such things. Our very bloodcells are made up of iron, which carries a special part of wind (oxygen) in a variation of proteins and saltwather/saline (serum) to feed our whole system. (Saltwater conducts electricity.) Electricity-Magnetism and a response to magnetic phenomenon has thus always been a part of us all.

I have no doubt that I do have an innate gps because even lost in a foreign market, I always found my way back to my train. In a new city, not knowing the street names, I could always find my way to my new home.

If you have deep roots to the area where you were conceived and born, you were made from the land, the minerals, the earth, and the IRON your mother consumed through the foods grown in that area. Her own mother too. Her mother beforee her. It would be rare to truly get lost there I think. Even after buildings, and streets changed.
We forget that we are made up of the air/wind/geomagnetism/subshine, the earth, the water, the metals, the plants and their chlorophyll (wood.) We are not something outside of feng shui/wind- water. We are part of it.

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:05:21 +0000 In reply to Marcia Costa Da Silva.

Hi Marcia,
Noted. Thanks for the suggestion!

By: Marcia Costa Da Silva Wed, 23 Aug 2023 21:20:43 +0000 Do you have an articles about auspicious in FEng Shui?
I really appreciate your help and this lovely article.

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:11:03 +0000 In reply to Marie.

Hi Marie,
Yes, you are correct. There is no default rule or blanket approach on sleeping directions. Sleeping with your leg facing the main gate is totally fine. Sleep direction is assessed based on the bedroom, not the entire house or lot.

By: Marie Mon, 20 Dec 2021 22:06:59 +0000 Hi Victor, so based on your article there is no hard and fast rule that says that sleeping with head towards the north is bad, right? What about sleeping in the direction where the leg faces the main gate of the house? but of course it is not direct because the bed faces a cupboard and bathroom.

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 23 Dec 2020 05:34:38 +0000 In reply to Joshua Evan Mishler.

Hi Joshua,
To your point, there are some Feng Shui masters who says electromagnetism is also behind the practice of Feng Shui. As for your home, I cannot confirm his finding just based on your home’s facing direction.

By: Joshua Evan Mishler Thu, 17 Dec 2020 18:02:18 +0000 the entrance to my home faces west and not east. i am kua # 1 (east group). water rat born in 1972. i had a feng shui master in my home once and he stated that it is still fundamentally correct. what are your thoughts about this?

there is work on the history channel which states something about some type of earth grid which is related to electromagnetism. the great pyramid in egypt is a part of this concept. it is located at the center of gravity of the earth’s continents. it is stated that Stonehenge in england is also related to this earth grid. there is evidence that God or some type of highly advanced entity have the ability to manipulate gravity moving huge blocks of stone an aligning them to the stars or celestial phenomenon and i think that it relates to electromagnetism.

joshua evan mishler

By: Victor Cheung Sat, 26 Oct 2019 23:09:12 +0000 In reply to carmelina.

Hi Carmelina,
The idea is to avoid the bad before tapping into the good. There’s also the element of which Feng Shui school you’re practicing and what you’re trying to achieve. If in doubt, I suggest you find a professional.

By: carmelina Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:48:22 +0000 hi there, according to this, I should place my bed on the west wall. the west wall also has the bathroom door and the entry door close to it. so basically when you enter, the bedroom, the side of the bed is right there. The other option is under the window, which is a no no, and the other wall which would be ideal faces north which is also not good…..what do I do?

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 07 Feb 2018 01:53:00 +0000 In reply to Brooke.

Hi Brooke,
It depends. General rule of thumb is that the bedroom for the wife, and kitchen and front door for the husband. I have written a full article about this –
Read to the end, because the house has its own Kua! These personal directions are just a way to mitigate IF the bedroom, kitchen, and front door locations are not in the best locations based on the house Kua.
