Comments on: A Simple Guide to the Feng Shui Five Elements Theory (Wu Xing) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 10:11:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Cheung Fri, 09 Jun 2023 01:36:12 +0000 In reply to Ravi.

You need an astrology reading to guide you which business you should get into.

By: Ravi Mon, 01 May 2023 01:18:05 +0000 Hello Victor,
Thanks for your article, i’m from India and wanted to learn more about this subject,
Do you have any you tube channel explaining in details?
is it possible if you can guide me in which area i should do business?
My Date of birth is 21-02-1985

By: Jordan Sat, 25 Mar 2023 14:35:51 +0000 I used a master Feng Shui when I was losing my homes and business in 2008. He was so kind that he advised me for free. I am very scientific and it all seemed a bit silly but a master is never silly. Every month he gave me the correct advise and when I would forget or think it wasn’t necessary, something would happen, something bad. I would rush to read his suggestions and put them into place and it was immediate, all the bad would calm down. Still unable to wrap my head around it all, I vacillated between believing and dismissing it all. He stayed with me for as long as it took to sell my last home but I was not able to get into a west facing home. So much was stacked against me. The best I could do was North facing, my least negative (kua 6) and then second floor North. Finally, I got into a NW facing home but I have my doubts about the property itself. The back is a golf course and the wind comes from that direction very nice on a typical day but very strong on a windy stormy day. The grass will not grow and has death in this direction as well as the opposing direction on the other side of my home. This energy interaction has become so fascinating that I signed up for biogeometry, paramagnetics and the science of earth energy flows. How this will interact with feng shui I don’t know yet but my excitement is greater than any caffeine or energy drink could every give me. Just the way it makes me feel to know I am going to learn about all this has me high with energy like a little kid. Smiles all around. Thanks for your website I bookmarked it for future reference.

By: Virna Danica Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:17:44 +0000 Need some help our front door is in SE, happens to face the bathroom and apparently my Partner is a Dragon, and i also tried to lit candles to suppress flying star 3 as it is too strong. i dont know what to do anymore

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 02 Nov 2022 11:09:00 +0000 In reply to Damien.

Hi Damien,
This depends on your practice. Your east side of your condo may or may not have negative energy based on Eight Mansions or Flying Stars. Your personal Kua is a good reference, but you should start with this first:

By: Damien Mon, 17 Oct 2022 12:43:42 +0000 Hello,
My name is Damien and I have a question.
My Kua number is 2 and the east side of my condo is the side with the most negative energy according to what I found out. So, I was advised not to decorate or promote that area.
Unfortunately my bed is against that wall to the east side and there is NO other choices available due to the floor plan.
There are no pictures or anything on that wall, just the head board and night stands on each side of the bed with lamps.
What would you suggest that I can I do on that wall where my head rests to neutralize the negative effects/energy?

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 23 Feb 2022 10:09:58 +0000 In reply to David Lim.

Hi David,
If you’re talking about generating more Fire, there’s only water that does that. Earth exhausts/weakens Fire, and Fire clashes with Metal.

By: David Lim Thu, 03 Feb 2022 02:01:35 +0000 Dear Victor Cheung,

Thank you for your wonderful article.
I have one question regarding the relationship among 5 elements.
Let’s take Fire as an example.
As we know Wood generates Fire so we position Wood to be 1st place and Water to be 4th place as Water diminishes Fire.
May I know which elements would be 2nd place (Metal or Earth) and 3rd place (Metal or Earth) for Fire?
Thank you.

Best regards,
David Lim

By: Sherry Sun, 28 Nov 2021 02:08:00 +0000 Victor, I have been appreciating your flexible approach to the many schools of Feng Shui. I’ve had extremely good financial experience curing outside corners (neighbor’s garages etc.) with things like trellises and greenery.

I do have some severe relationship problems. My adult son is extremely mentally ill to the point where he tried to kill me a couple months ago. My husband (not my son’s father) and I have never lived together since he likes his “man-cave” apartment unit (too small for the two of us), and as my son has exhibited increasing MI problems, so my husband won’t come to my house, which is a bit bigger. The house I bought 25 years ago has admittedly terrific Feng Shui problems that I’ve been working on over the years, with flowers, crystals etc. The basement stairs are in the Northwest corner going down, Relationship corner, with a chime. This is where my son attacked me in what seems to have been a psychotic rage. He has been diagnosed by our Chinese doctor with “heart fire”. I need to improve my house still, obviously.

I’m looking at new kitchen appliances (in Children/Creativity). I was thinking of steel appliances, but realize maybe I need to do white? And should I include water in the kitchen, since it’s in the Child area? I could easily do some decorative bottles with pure water over the stove. I have added round stone cutting boards and placed the chrome teakettle which I recently had re-tinned/repaired on the stove, as a water aid.

I have also upped the black/water items in the Family area, although I felt I had done pretty well, adding pillows with flowing pattern. This is where the master bedroom is, and the bedside tables/lamps are new and equal, with vertical, neutral prints above them, and the bedspread is cream on which I’ve placed a black tablecloth as a footblanket, but maybe the curtains are too metal, very light and metallic, I just bought what I could find to block out the neighbor’s very intrusive bright dining room light, but maybe the light-colored curtains must change. Generally, I don’t like dark things in the master bedroom, and the thought of more water colors gets me down, I really don’t like blue as a decor element.

Given the current violent nature of my son (doesn’t live with us!), I just want to promote harmony, and not do something that really makes things turn for the worse. Do you think white appliances are a must? Should I increase a water cure? Do I need more blue and black in the master bedroom (Family)?

Perhaps you think these concerns are nothing, if so, I’d be glad to hear that! However, I have had good results at times from Feng Shui and find these 3 areas to be a special problem despite all my reading! Thanks for your consideration.

By: Victor Cheung Thu, 25 Feb 2021 06:03:10 +0000 In reply to NY.

Hi NY,
Totally understand if you’re pulling your hair out, because I’ve been there. 🙂 I suggest you stick with Classical Feng Shui and learn multiple schools (both Form and Compass). I do have my favorites, but use this article as a guide:
