Comments on: Belief Behind Why Feng Shui Consultations “MUST” Get Paid Fri, 06 Aug 2021 09:26:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Cheung Fri, 09 Jul 2021 23:33:11 +0000 In reply to Mary Phillips.

Hi Mary,
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. To answer your question, I think you don’t need to “pay back” per se. See if I’m making sense here: you help someone, you get a reward. You help yourself, you also get a reward, but not in the form of payment. The give help & get reward cycle is the nature’s balance.
Wishing you well!

By: Mary Phillips Sun, 04 Jul 2021 20:32:19 +0000 upon reading this article I believe that wholeheartedly I have a gift of knowing how to heal people with a visions that I have of them upon meeting them but I used to do it freely but as I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed how I when I done that I got a ill afterwards, so I quit doing it or I will pray to protect myself from their ills now I know why I must get paid for my knowledge and I have been looking into fengshui for a couple of years reading books I also do the astrology and numerology and that all falls into the Heavenly matter I Now understand through the years I’ve shut off my ability cuz I felt like it wasn’t helpful to myself or others so now I know why…. my question is if you’re using these abilities to help yourself, in what way do you pay Back To Nature to balance it out?

By: Victor Cheung Sun, 04 Jul 2021 01:17:09 +0000 In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly,
Your explanation is simple and to the point. Thanks for sharing!

By: Kelly Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:37:25 +0000 Hi Victor

Thanks for this excellent article.

I agree 100% because if you think about it simply – a factory worker nor a surgeon would work for free so I think this is always a good retort to anyone who ever questions ‘why should I pay for energy work?’ I’d say to them – would you go to your job every day and work for free?
They soon understand…

Sadly we can’t account for their ignorance, but merely meet them with an equally ignorant question as our given reply.

By: Kelly Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:37:00 +0000 Hi Victor

Thanks for this excellent article.

I agree 100% because if you think about it simply – a factory worker nor a surgeon would work for free so I think this is always a good retort to anyone who ever questions ‘why should I pay for energy work?’ I’d say to them – would you go to your job every day and work for free?
They soon understand…

Sadly we can’t account for their ignorance, but merely meet them with an equally ignorant question as our given reply.

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 16 Jun 2021 00:18:00 +0000 In reply to Ricky.

Hi Ricky,
This is a tricky question – from stories/experience, you may have already paid the price. But of course, you can definitely ask for payment, because at least you’ll be better off in some way.

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 16 Jun 2021 00:09:46 +0000 In reply to Ricky.

Hi Ricky,
I have the same experience. The divine-gifted masters that I visit occasionally also has health issues – from polio to cancer. I’m glad this article helped you, and best of luck to you in the future!

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 16 Jun 2021 00:05:51 +0000 In reply to May.

Hi May,
I completely agree with you. Cheers!

By: Ricky Fri, 04 Jun 2021 09:41:13 +0000 In reply to Ricky.

Anyway Victor, would it then be fine for me at least from Chinese wisdom perspective if I asked for payment for what I’ve done for him? If that’s the case, it’s win-win for everyone involved then rather than just me paying the price. Otherwise I assume I would just have to hang on till the tide calms then, so to say.

Thanks again!

By: Ricky Fri, 04 Jun 2021 09:30:39 +0000 Hi Victor,

Prior to reading this I did recall this divine-gifted lady who was said to offer counselling with regards to feng shui and sort only to those willing to pay. My reaction upon knowing it back then was pretty much like that of every uninformed person I guess: why so stingy? Then I recalled that her life was pretty much in shambles: she keeps dealing with health issues, daughter had a broken marriage, etc.

Once I read this article, it dawned on me now very clearly why she insisted on getting paid, whatever view others would have on her. The price that she and her family were paying, at least according to the theory, probably stemmed from her past of trying to help folks with her gift for free, which she might not realise would actually affect her in the way she hadn’t wanted.

Now comes to me personally: I’ve actually helped this friend to improve his house’s feng shui (with the knowledge I gained from you!) since he was suffering metaphysical attack since a while, in the belief that doing this would eventually improve my karma and do good on me. Now, there had been several paranormals from different circles telling me that I would reap a so-called “big fortune” some time this year, but yet my life stays about the same up to this point and there are absolutely no signs of that fortune coming, which is actually frustrating since I’ve had my business broke since a year and now I’m living with my parents at 33. Upon reading THIS article I’m starting to wonder whether my trying to help this friend with my knowledge of feng shui has actually harmed my luck rather than brought me forward.

If that happens to be the case I would then straight ask for payment for those interested in the future, citing explicitly the above reasons, rather than not receiving anything AND personally paying the price.

Big thanks for coming forward to say this Victor, everybody learning feng shui would better take note so as what they know wouldn’t then come to harm them. I haven’t found such an article anywhere on the web anyway so thanks for enlightening us on this. Keep it up.

