Comments on: 3 Feng Shui Rules Related to Ghosts and the Supernatural Wed, 18 Oct 2023 06:34:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Cheung Thu, 22 Apr 2021 06:04:59 +0000 In reply to Wooden House.

If you’re talking about what I said in one of the comments, it’s because wooden house tends to make more noise when temperatures change when compared to concrete ones.

By: Wooden House Wed, 07 Apr 2021 02:24:48 +0000 In reply to Victor Cheung.

Why do you specify a wooden house?

By: Victor Cheung Thu, 27 Aug 2020 06:09:12 +0000 In reply to AbdulMoeed.

Hi Abdul,
You need a master who knows the rituals of how to get rid of spirits. Often times, it’s helping them find a path. I don’t think objects will help you much, but if you do want those, you probably need to find enchanted ones. I can’t help you with this.

By: AbdulMoeed Sat, 15 Aug 2020 12:33:05 +0000 im hunted by female spirit . even if i love an apartment she come to the new house . My mom said that someone send negative energy to us . What\s best feng shui cure to keep evil spirits away from the house.

And any protection which i can wear ? and specially to keep bedroom safe

By: AbdulMoeed Sat, 15 Aug 2020 12:30:56 +0000 Hi . If i felt paranormal activity in my room . Even what ever house i go i feel the spirit follow me . I feel high temperature . If i stick selenite and aura cleanse then suddenly i feel my temperature to calm down .

MY mom said that someone send negative energies to us . some reiki master told me i stepped on something by mistake that;s why i feel and see the female spirit . That female spirit is after me . I’m going to marry to a girl . But she will hurt the girl whom i love . Any Feng shui cures to keep evil spirits out of the house ? I’m just worried about my fiancee


By: Victor Cheung Thu, 13 Dec 2018 02:49:50 +0000 In reply to Anedra Schadrack.

Hi Anedra,
From what you’re saying, there MAY be a presence in spirits. However, it could be just the wind or change in temperature doing the trick (especially if you have a wooden house).
Are you seeing white or black shadow figures? Nevertheless, it seems that the “spirits” are not bothering you, which is a good thing. If they do, weird things will happen, such as random accidents (car accidents, falling off a bike, getting hurt) or random sickness (like getting a high fever out of nowhere). If you’re not experiencing any of those, you’re in good shape.

By: Anedra Schadrack Wed, 12 Dec 2018 03:01:16 +0000 We built our home about 35 years ago. Things were calm for about 10 years or so. Over the decades there has been increasing activity, to the point when my 3-year-old granddaughter once waved and said “bye man” to no one. Now my grown daughters feel “uneasy” in our family home. The teen girls say they feel like they are not alone at times when in fact they are. These daughters and their children say they feel “spooked” in the house (with the exception of my 20-year-old grandson). Also denying feeling anything are my 37-year-old son and my 58-year-old husband. Along with feelings, we hear noises: foot steps, fabric moving against fabric, cupboards closing, etc. (My husband says it is the house settling.) Did I mention the shadow figures?
As far as we know, there was not a home here prior to our purchasing the land. That being said, we don’t know about hundreds of years ago. This area also has a history of a large Native American presence.
From what I have read, this may not be a Feng Shui cure. My first step is going to be decluttering the home, as well as doing more studying of Feng Shui. Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated.

By: Lissette MontaƱez Thu, 03 Nov 2016 05:20:36 +0000 I have a Madonna in my southwest room which I love because it was, left by a beautiful couple who own the house before me. Since this is my love and marriage room, I bring flowers and crystals which I place in front of her. I burn the virgin Mary candle specifically for it’s scent of rose and I love it for I feel it a representation of my love for my boy. She holds him close to here heart.

By: Victor Cheung Thu, 03 Nov 2016 03:50:04 +0000 In reply to Morn.

Hey Morn,
Thanks for sharing your experience! I’m sorry that I don’t have the ability to answer your question. Not all spirits are harmful, but having them around is not a good idea. If you worry, or if it becomes a nuisance, I suggest you find a master who can communicate with them to see what they want.

By: Morn Wed, 02 Nov 2016 16:30:07 +0000 Thank you for this interesting article. My 7 year old sees spirits. I believe her because her maternal grandmother has this gift & that my daughter inherited it from her. She sleeps with her older sister upstairs & sees things by the bedroom door. One night I was downstairs & heard her talking to herself then walking out of her bedroom into the study which is next door. The study room is situated in the NE part of the house. I called her & for a moment she just gave me a blank stare then with a puzzled look she walked down the stairs to me & said nothing like she was half asleep. I took it that she was sleep walking & gently carried her upstairs to bed. The next morning she had no recollection of the previous night & laughed when I told her. It made me wonder who woke her up that night & led her into the study. Was something or someone trying to take her somewhere?
