Comments on: Why Sleeping with Head Under Window is Bad Feng Shui Wed, 18 Oct 2023 06:38:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Cheung Sat, 16 Apr 2022 12:19:40 +0000 In reply to Chantelle.

Hi Chantelle,
You can try sleeping with head under window, just use remember to use a solid headboard. Try it and see how that goes.

By: Chantelle Sat, 09 Apr 2022 23:21:16 +0000 Interesting article. I have a dilemma in a rental at present. I live in the southern hemisphere. The commanding position is west or north as a fixed wardrobe is in south and east has the door facing the bed head to the side. North however has a window. Im caught between a current restless nights sleep in west. Putting a feng shui ball up between my bed and the door in east or under the window in north. Haha please help! What do you suggest?

By: Victor Cheung Fri, 28 Aug 2020 03:22:23 +0000 In reply to Minnie.

Hi Minnie,
A more solid headboard should help, along with closing the window and curtain, but that’s assuming it’s the windows that’s causing the problem though.

By: Minnie Wed, 26 Aug 2020 12:03:29 +0000 Hi Victor,
I have two windows in my bedroom and I don’t have enough place to move my bed so I have to keep my bed below the window, I have the headrest. But I don’t get like 8 hours of sound sleep. What do you suggest me to do, Like closing the window with the curtain should help me?


By: Tricia Fri, 17 Apr 2020 06:20:55 +0000 Sleepless nite, feeling headache

By: Victor Cheung Wed, 09 Oct 2019 21:44:00 +0000 In reply to Tintin.

Hi Tintin,
If you’re not bothered by the factors listed in this article, then you’re good!

By: Tintin Sat, 05 Oct 2019 17:51:19 +0000 Hi Victor! Half of the window space under is our bed. So its not the whole bed under the window. It a bad feng shui as well? Thank you!

By: Victor Cheung Tue, 23 Apr 2019 05:13:47 +0000 In reply to John.

Hi John,
The situations you described are completely accurate. This ‘ancient science’ is just experience that’s passed down for better sleep which can be avoided by other ways of bed placement. Thanks for your input!

By: John Mon, 22 Apr 2019 20:21:33 +0000 You can argue for or against just about anything with this so-called science. Your wall could be close to the door which is closer to the kitchen meaning the smell of the food your teenager makes at 2 AM will reach you faster if you place your bed there. The sun can come through the window directly into your eyes when you’re on your side in your bed situated on the wall (as I have experienced) – it will never do so if your bed is against the window and you’re looking away from it (unless you live at the equator and the sun is directly overhead). Outside walls are noisier than windows when there are 40 foot trees with dozens of birds in them on the other side. In today’s modern homes, ‘ancient science’ no longer applies in most cases. Any major health effects blamed on your bed positioning is nothing more than superstition.

By: Victor Cheung Mon, 27 Aug 2018 05:26:13 +0000 In reply to Jean Lerma.

Hi Jean,
Please read this other article because it can help you prioritize how to position your bed:
