Comments on: Avoid These 5 Types of Bad Feng Shui Outside Your Home Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:32:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christina Lee Fri, 24 May 2024 21:09:58 +0000 Looking to buy a 1 story home and the neighbor across the street built a large 2 story shed which faces our home. Is this bad feng shui (the pressing sha) or is too far away to affect us since it’s across the street?

By: Victor Cheung Fri, 12 Nov 2021 12:53:56 +0000 In reply to Carol Graydon.

Hi Carol,
Since you have no control over the poles, the best you can do in this situation is to apply “out of sight, out of mind”. If you can see the poles from your desk/sofa, just use your blinds to block the sight of the poles.

By: Carol Graydon Thu, 11 Nov 2021 02:13:30 +0000 Hello There My name is Carol Graydon , & my issue is that I moved in to this place 12 months a go now & I had no choice in the matter as it’s public Housing but my issue is in the Street there’s four Big Electrical Street Poles & it dose bother me a lot & there’s another House in front of my Unit that’s not Public Housing it’s privately own & today it’s on the market for sale & I’m not to sure if they will pull it down & billed a two story place even though there’s a driveway on side of the Unit we’re I live my question is is there anything that I can do to pervert the bad Vibes that I know are coming from it as one is bad enough but four of them is quite something else

By: Victor Cheung Fri, 09 Jul 2021 23:35:18 +0000 In reply to Kays.

Hi Kays,
“Too much water” means differently from person to person. It is best to consult an expert to get your answers.

By: Kays Tue, 06 Jul 2021 15:32:19 +0000 In reply to Janina.

Hi. I plan to purchase a piece of land next to a river. I love water views and would like to build my own residence there. Unfortunately I was told that it might not be good fengshui to be surrounded by too much water,as the lands on the opposite side of the road are beach fronts. Although the sea is not visible from this land. Is this true?

By: Cricri Thu, 03 Jun 2021 16:45:55 +0000 Hello Victor,

I have kua 6 (west group person) and, in BaZi, hour pillar is Ren Zi (Yang Water Rat), my day master is Ren Chen (Yang Water Dragon), month pillar is Ji Hai (Yin Earth Pig) and my year pillar is Xin Wei (Yin Metal Goat). I am above 20 but under 30 years, so I believe I’m in month pillar stage of life. I have a (too) strong BaZi chart and my Five Elements (Wu Xing) lack wood and fire. In fact, self element analysis says that I have Metal: 2 | Water: 3 | Earth: 3 | Wood: 0 Fire: 0.

The place I will live in has windows facing West and South; the building in which my apartment is situated faces West and I believe West is also the facing direction of my apartment because there is the street where the movement and activity happens and also have windows facing it. In the South I only have a neighbor living in a house and no streets or alleys are passing through there. So, although more light comes from the windows facing South (only by a bit, though) than from those facing West, I assume West is the facing direction in this case. My front door is in the North sector of the 8 Mansions, facing North. In North sector I have no windows and almost anything else excluding entrance door.
My questions are:

1. Is my assumption of the apartment’s facing West direction correct?

2. If it isn’t, only South can be the facing. In both situations we are talking about an apartment from the east group side, and I am a west group person. Which means.. I have a strong confusion. North is a good sector for the front door from apartment’s kua point of view, but not for my kua. The bedroom is in the South sector, which is Sheng Qi – very good for the house, but not for my kua. I will put my bed facing with the head West (my best direction) and also in commanding position and not directly in front of door/window. But is this an auspicious arrangement?
I plan to decorate the bedroom with wood furniture and objects simply because I like them. Wood is good for the Sheng Qi (wood) sector and also good for the South sector, facing South (fire). But is it good for METAL kua me? Should I nourish these wood and fire elements from the sector or bring elements from exhaustive (or even destructive) cycle? Earth, for example, exhausts fire and is the grandchild of wood so it will be ‘attacked’ by it. Element cure is applied to type of Qi in sector (sheng qi, bing qi etc.), type of qi relating to cardinal position of the sector (SW, W, E etc) or both? I am really, really curious about this and I would be glad if you can answer. ????

3. Kitchen occupies East and South East sectors of the 8 Mansions (not the whole of those sectors because part of them are missing half sectors) and faces South. ..But kitchen should be in an inauspicious sector relating to house kua, but instead it is in an inauspicious sector(s) relating to MY kua. Is there anything to do regarding this?

Thank you for the article, I like it. Have a nice day!

By: Verum Fri, 30 Apr 2021 00:49:09 +0000 Hello Victor,

I have kua 6 (west group person) and, in BaZi, my day master is Ren Chen (Yang Water Dragon) and my year pillar is Xin Wei (Yin Metal Goat). I have a (too) strong BaZi chart and my Five Elements (Wu Xing) lack wood and fire. In fact, self element analysis says that I have Metal: 2 | Water: 3 | Earth: 3 | Wood: 0 Fire: 0.

The place I will live in has windows facing West and South; the building in which my apartment is situated faces West and I believe West is also the facing direction of my apartment because there is the street where the movement and activity happens and also have windows facing it. In the South I only have a neighbor living in a house and no streets or alleys are passing through there. So, although more light comes from the windows facing South (only by a bit, though) than from those facing West, I assume West is the facing direction in this case. My front door is in the North sector of the 8 Mansions, facing North. In North sector I have no windows and almost anything else excluding entrance door.
My questions are:

1. Is my assumption of the apartment’s facing West direction correct?

2. If it isn’t, only South can be the facing. In both situations we are talking about an apartment from the east group side, and I am a west group person. Which means.. I have a strong confusion. North is a good sector for the front door from apartment’s kua point of view, but not for my kua. The bedroom is in the South sector, which is Sheng Qi – very good for the house, but not for my kua. I will put my bed facing with the head West (my best direction) and also in commanding position and not directly in front of door/window. But is this an auspicious arrangement?
I plan to decorate the bedroom with wood furniture and objects simply because I like them. Wood is good for the Sheng Qi (wood) sector and also good for the South sector, facing South (fire). But is it good for METAL kua me? Should I nourish these wood and fire elements from the sector or bring elements from exhaustive (or even destructive) cycle.. earth, water? I am really, really curious about this and I would be glad if you can answer this. 🙂

3. Kitchen occupies East and South East sectors of the 8 Mansions (not the whole of those sectors because part of them are missing half sectors) and faces South. ..But kitchen should be in an inauspicious sector relating to house kua, but instead it is in an inauspicious sector(s) relating to MY kua. Is there anything to do regarding this?

Thank you for your patience reading this. Have a nice day!

By: Victor Cheung Tue, 26 Jan 2021 02:46:30 +0000 In reply to Jenalyn.

Hi Jenalyn,
Having front doors facing each other is only an issue when the two of you are fighting to gather Qi, so I wouldn’t know in your case.
As for your telecom tower, it could be an issue if there’s high voltage. See this article as reference, but keep in mind that telecom towers are different:

By: Jenalyn Mon, 18 Jan 2021 03:51:27 +0000 In reply to Marilyn Davies.

hi Victor, the villa I am going to rent is next to a telecom tower, and the main door is facing my neighbors front door too, is it a bad fengshui and is there any cure to it?
I am worried that the tower will bring bad energies.
hope you can give me an advice. Thank you ????

By: Victor Cheung Fri, 15 Jan 2021 03:24:28 +0000 In reply to Marcos Miller.

Hi Macros,
The three jewels of Feng Shui is sunshin, fresh air, and clean water. With less windows facing outside, you’ll get less benefit from Feng Shui. For internal facing, the Qi is nowhere close the Qi from the outside because of less open space (think of strength of incoming wind). Could be a good or bad thing, depending on the windows location relative to where you rest/dwell.
