Comments on: 33 Kitchen Feng Shui Rules and Tips – Location, Stove, and Basics Wed, 21 Aug 2024 11:50:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Su Phan Thu, 22 Feb 2024 08:08:35 +0000 My stove is not directly inline with entrance door. but It is a little bit off to the side when I open my entrance door. I have an island in between. Is it bad?
I also have question about my head of bed. Is it bad to have a head of bed facing a wall with stove on the other side of wall?My room is small. I either have to sleep with head of bed facing wall with stove on the other side, or head of bed is facing a window. Which one is better? Thanks much.

By: Jonathon Haas Sun, 11 Feb 2024 22:49:13 +0000 Hi,

We are looking for the our parcel of land to build our home. The one we want to get the house would face south with a south facing front door as well. We can change the layout around for the home and really wanted to put our kitchen in the back of the home in the south but with this land the south will be in the front? Any suggestions? We don’t really want to put it by the front door. Not sure if it’s better to keep it at the back in the north or move it to the front and either way use some cures. Thank you for any suggestions.


By: Eliška Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:59:47 +0000 Many thanks for you kind answer! I’ve read the “outdated kitchen feng shui” article before. It handles mainly the topic of hygiene, which is really not a problem these days in a modern household as you are mentioning there and It’s really great saying that! 🙂 The 8 mansions, bagua and personal kua concepts are more about energy flows within the house, I thought. So that was my main concern.
The truth is that I haven’t study the Flying Stars concept very much so far, I should do it then 🙂
If I can have the one last question: As I’ve written before, the “mouth” of the stove can face NW (good for both 8 and 6 kua) but it would mean that I have the entrance door behind my back (eventhough not directly). The other option is the stove facing SE (quite bad for my, very bad for my husband’s kua) but in that case I can have a good sight over the room. Which one would you prefer?
In my country, it’s still traditional, that we cook quite a lot at home and the kitchen (and the stove) is in permanent use, so it remains really important room within the house and family life.

By: Victor Cheung Sun, 31 Dec 2023 08:56:59 +0000 In reply to Eliška.

Hi Eliska,
I wouldn’t worry too much about the stove/kitchen positions because the Feng Shui rules should adjust to modern kitchen. See this article:
For fireplace, it’s not frequently used so I wouldn’t worry about it as well.
Try practicing another school of Feng Shui – like Flying Stars – to compare.

By: Victor Cheung Sun, 31 Dec 2023 08:51:04 +0000 In reply to jodia.

Hi Jodia,
The plants in the article are good suggestions, but it is placement that matters. Check this article:

By: Eliška Sat, 30 Dec 2023 22:50:33 +0000 Hi, Victor.
Thanks for very interesting, useful and detailed article! However I’m still quite confused about some issues. First to say, I’m kua 6 and my husband, the main breadwinner, is kua 8.
We live in a XUN house (303°) front door facing nortwest. As I understood this door facing is good direction both for my husband and me, but overall this type of house is not very “friendly” for western group kua… (anyway, we love our house and have been living here for 15 years happily 😉 )
We are doing some reconstruction and the new kitchen must be 2/3 in fu wei, 1/3 in yan nien. The stove is planned in the yan nien section. Which is not really good according to 8 mansions… According to bagua, the stove is going to be in the east section approx. 88° (which is not among the very bad directions and should be bareable then?) and the kichen is east/ southeast position – meaning that it weakens “wood” element (if I’m right). The stove can face northwest, which should be good energy for our 8 and 6 kuas.
Is it possible to cure the stove/kitchen position issues?
There’s also going to be a small fireplace in jue ming section in northeast direction, which we plan to use during the winter only (should be a good placement for a fireplace(?)).
Thanks a lot if you find some time to read and answer.
Best wishes

By: jodia Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:09:30 +0000 Hello, it was a very good article, I had a question, is the following article real?

By: Ashley Sat, 04 Nov 2023 08:34:29 +0000 Hi Victor,
Understand that certain location at NW and South is not good for stove location but wonder why stove location at certain North location affects relationship?
I am currently looking for a better location for my stove because currently is at NW and I have been experiencing career stagnancy and breathing issue ever since I moved into this house 15 years ago.

By: Victor Cheung Tue, 18 Jul 2023 09:53:55 +0000 In reply to Lenn.

Hi Lenn,
Thanks for the suggestion!

By: Lenn Sun, 18 Jun 2023 01:40:28 +0000 Hi Victor,

Would you consider making a post about Feng Shui with low furniture like low dining table/floor table, low desk/floor desk and the best seats for feng shui like tatamis, cushions etc ?How to Feng Shui, the room if you sit on the floor in the living room, dining room, office ? I haven’t seen any articles about this, it would be great.
