Comments on: Is the Feng Shui of Houses Facing T-Junction Really That Bad? Mon, 08 Apr 2024 13:21:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Cheung Mon, 08 Apr 2024 13:21:06 +0000 In reply to Helena Burks.

Hi Helena,
This is a great comment, which just goes to show that not all houses at end of T-junction is by default bad. Whether one really lives at the end of a T-junction also depends on a few other factors. People nowadays see a T-junction and assume it’s bad, which it is not. Again, thanks for your comment.

By: Helena Burks Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:15:45 +0000 I’ve lived at a T intersection for almost a decade, and never experienced any issues. Our house is at a quieter suburb in California a block away from a main road with still no problems. In life it’s all about your state of mind, and feng shui has nothing to do with everything. That’s Asian old-fashioned superstition.

By: Elvah V Mon, 12 Feb 2024 21:28:09 +0000 Hello Victor – great article and some great advice in the comments section.

I’ve only recently come across this concept of the bad luck T-junctions can bring (as in literally last night 12/02/24). I purchased this home as an investment property since 2017 and rented it out until I moved in with my daughter in the last quarter of 2022. The bad luck described seems to be accurate to a point (illness, job loss, money issues, relationship issues etc), and I am eager to deflect this in whatever way possible. The poison arrow to the house is on a very,. very long road. On the opposite side of this poison arrow road is another long road for traffic flowing the opposite direction (this seems to be to the side of the house and not directly in line with my property).

The house has fencing in front and sides (not solid but a barrier nonetheless) and some trees and small bushes; unfortunately, I was not aware of this when I moved in and I removed all the tall trees and bushes to “open up” the house (face palming myself!!!)

Can you please provide some advice for my property at 23 Boundary Rd, Newcomb VIC 3219 (Australia)? The following points may reduce the overall negativity of this (I think and I hope):

1. The bedroom windows (main bedroom) and windows of the main living room are the only windows or entrance doors that face the street directly; these are covered by blinds.

2. None of my doors actually open into the road – the front entrance and back doors face away from the street. The front door is located on the left side of the house, and the back door (which we use as our main entry) is at the back of the house, so not directly facing the road.

3. Wooden slatted fencing that faces the road running from end to end of the property and bushes (small) with some trees inside my property along the fence

I will go out today and purchase banga convex mirror and wonder if placing them on the inside (mirror facing out to the street) along the windows that face the street will help deflect this Qi?

Should I purchase one for the external fence and/ or walls as well?

Do I need anything for my front and back doors?

My bedroom is the main bedroom that faces this road I have my workstation facing the street (I work from home permanently and have no other place for the office setting), and my bed is behind my workstation with my feet facing the windows. Should I change anything in this setting?

I know it’s a lot but I really want to change the trajectory of my life for the better this 2024. Your advice is deeply appreciated.

By: Free Lancer Admin Thu, 25 Jan 2024 14:22:07 +0000 In reply to Kelley.

Hi Kelley,
This totally depends, and also depends on the direction of where the road is coming from. It’d be a great idea to hire an expert to take a look.

By: Kelley Tue, 23 Jan 2024 21:32:43 +0000 Hi,

I live on a perfect T-intersection

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Two things, it is a quiet neighborhood, lots of children and families. Also, the road that leads to towards the house (the poison arrow I guess), is curved before it reaches the end that is towards my house.

I have had positive experiences here. I did have a large expense when I moved in to replace my water pipes; do you think that could be seen as a severe loss o money? Is it something that keeps happening or is one loss enough 😉

By: Lisa Graziano Mon, 27 Nov 2023 11:49:31 +0000 Hello Victor,
Thanks for such an informative article on the whole T-intersection/poison arrow subject.
I had no idea there could be so many contributing factors.
Here´s my story.
We moved into this apt over a café a little over three years ago. (It is in Porto, Portugal.)
It is not at the end of the T intersection but is very near it.
I . Our bldg is at the north west corner of the intersection before you cross the street to get to
I the bar of the T on the other side, if that makes sense.
The street that is the body of the T is short and one way going away from the top of the T.
The top of the T is on way going east.
Also directly across the street from us are two ruined, crumbling and decaying former residences.
They are overrun with plant life. The neighborhood cats love to hang out there.

The first 2.5 years were fine. Fairly quiet and peaceful. The past year has been a nightmare.
I have dubbed 2023 the year of suffering and loss for us. My husbands work dried up, interest rates and our mortgage went up and drug dealers moved into the area and started using the corner to do business and playing loud music at all hours of the day and night.
I should say that the drug dealers started hanging out here when the street that is the top of the T was closed at one end for a storm drain project. This effectively closed the street to through traffic and lasted for about 8 months.

I asked my astrologer in the US if we should stay or move. He responded that we should move, that it is too dangerous to stay here!

We have sold the apt and are planning to move to a quieter city a little south of here called Aveiro in January.
What are your thoughts?
I have been trying to find a cosmic answer for why this intersection is so malign and got nowhere.
My gut instinct tells me that there is something wrong with this corner.
Thank you for any insight you might have.

By: Jes Tue, 31 Oct 2023 07:14:23 +0000 Hi ! I have made an offer on this house with west facing direction . It’s on T junction slightly . Most part facing T junction is double attached garage ( house)
Front door dosent face T junction is further back ( door ) . I am Kua no 6 and my direction is west . House no 3515 . Is this house ok for me ?
I. I
House door
I. I

By: Vann Lee Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:30:33 +0000 Hi Victor
This house on the left side (the one with wooden main gate) is OK with fengshui?,101.6806618,3a,75y,239.33h,100.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sw7Bg31Pnjn21BKJSGC51bw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

Thanks very much

By: Victor Cheung Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:16:12 +0000 In reply to Luke.

Hi Luke,
No, that is not a bad sign. In some cases, it can actually be good!

By: Luke Fri, 29 Sep 2023 03:21:43 +0000 In reply to lakshmi.

Hi Victor,
My back yard of the house is facing to a curl de sac street! Is it a bad sign?
