Comments on: 27 Feng Shui Tips to Attract Love and Improve Romance Thu, 05 Sep 2024 05:35:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Free Lancer Admin Thu, 25 Jan 2024 14:17:59 +0000 In reply to Julie Humphreys.

Hi Julie,
I can’t help you here because there are too many details that’s needed – it’s better to hire an expert because the entire house needs to be audited.

By: Julie Humphreys Mon, 15 Jan 2024 18:39:40 +0000 Hello Victor,

I have lived in my parents’ basement for quite a few years and I’m in my 40s. I can never seem to have a stable job nor any love interest every time I move back with them. There are 2 access points to my room, the stairs, which I normally use, or the basement door at the rear of the house. I had been using the stairs as my entry point, however, it puts the living room in the love corner. If I use the back basement door as my entry point, then my love corner is in the bedroom where it should be. Is this something mental? Do I need to pretend the back door is the starting point? It’s been confusing me for years, and until I came back home I could frequently rely on feng shui.

Thank you.

By: Victor Cheung Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:49:07 +0000 In reply to Cj.

Hi Cj,
You can Feng Shui your own place to better your own life, even in terms of relationship. However, good Feng Shui cannot change who you are or the decisions that you’ve made. If you’re seeking guidance on decision, then it is better to get an astrology reading.

By: Cj Sat, 27 Mar 2021 03:00:54 +0000 Hi there. I was with a man who was seperated but not divorced and he has for financial reasons been unable to divorce due to dividing of the house he shares with his wife and properties ect. He is very scared of loosing all he has worked for. I understand this is not my business it is his are however my question for you is how can I keep feng shui wise if it’s ‘ meant to be’ how can I feng shui my own home/bedroom for a calm and peaceful harmonious relationship while we are apart so that we don’t set confusion and discontent between the two of us. I can at times be very jumbled with my emotions and very chatty so he seeks quietness but I don’t mean to disturb his peace but I think I do unknowingly at times.

By: Victor Cheung Tue, 04 Aug 2020 00:06:59 +0000 In reply to Amy.

Hi Amy,
If you’re talking about love/relationship direction based on Kua, then it is best to have your bedroom on the East section of the house, or place your bed on the east section of the room.

By: Amy Sun, 02 Aug 2020 21:58:18 +0000 Hi Victor,
My love direction is east so should my head or face be pointed in this direction when I sleep? And if my head is not pointed in the east direction, but west what can I do to remedy this situation? Thanks

By: Victor Cheung Tue, 31 Dec 2019 22:58:15 +0000 In reply to Caryn.

Hi Caryn,
I’m pretty sure that rule is made up, and it’s not even Feng Shui related too. That means it’s definitely ok to hang pictures of the man you love near the bedroom door.

By: Caryn Mon, 30 Dec 2019 01:46:49 +0000 Hello Victor,
I remember reading somewhere of a feng shui rule advising against hanging a calendar anywhere near the bedroom door. Does that same rule go for hanging any pictures of the man I love and desperately want to share a future with? Or would hanging such pictures near my bedroom door luckily help aspire and influence the attraction of love or anything positive? If not, then where would you suggest is the best place I display them? Thank you for your time and your help.


By: Victor Cheung Tue, 29 Oct 2019 01:20:31 +0000 In reply to Glor8.

Hi Glor8,
When practicing Feng Shui, you stick with one school and evaluate the outcome/remedies with another school. Do NOT mix two practices into one like what you are doing.

By: Glor8 Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:39:33 +0000 Hi Victor

Firstly, I have just downloaded your ebook for ‘Are you and your home a match.’ I’m hoping this will give me some insight as to why myself and my son are still here after 19yrs, which have been nothing but a milestone. I am on a home swap site again with the housing association and I am hoping that this time I will be successful with finding an area in this country that I like and of which will be a home match. This now brings me to the Feng Shui lucky areas for my animal sign, which is Pig fire. I have read that it is the SW or E areas of England. But I don’t want to choose areas of each region if the SW or E areas are not really accurate.
Secondly, I noted on here that for the concepts for love are to place peonies in the peach blossom compass area of the North, which I realised is the classical compass whereas I use the western compass areas. For my South, which is classical North, is the hallway from my front door. So basically I have nowhere to place the flowers. This is usually where I mostly give up. All I have in my hallway is a shelf above a storage heater and there are no windows in my hallway either. My south is water and my North is Fire. Isn’t there anyway else I can place Peonies?

Thank you for your time.

